Fight Of Love

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Me and Haru were stand by three lions that are talking as we stay silent.

" Do you think that the boss would have two dinners at midnight. " lion one said.

" I don't know that's why I brought the blackout for a reason right. " lion three said.

" Oy, face up. " lion one said, as he grabbed my hair to make me face up.

" I heard a human is so mysterious to taste from the blood and meat of it. But you're going be the best meal for us lions. " lion one said, but I broke free from his grip and told Haru to run but one of the lions threw a knife next to me towards the door as one of them grabbed me and Haru.

" Maybe we should break your legs so you won't escape. " lion three said.

" No!NO!! " Haru yelp, but I grab the knife and cut off his face to let go of Haru. " Why you little- " " What are you doing... " the lion was about to attack as he was cut off by the boss.

" Do you think you'd three would be able to handle one human? " the lion step away from us, and the boss walked towards us.

" My dear you've must be frighten. " He said ,as he offered me a hand and I grabbed it and said, " Yes we are but... you're not going to have two meals for your stomach to fill but you do what you want with me and let my friend go. " I said with determination and loyalty, as his eyes was widen.

" Well you've had quite an amazing experience of self-esteem for a human such as yourself. " He order the lions to take me out as Haru was left alone with the boss hoping that he'll let her go and he'd be having me as his fine meal.

Haru pov

I saw those lions take Valerie away,  as I was left lone with the lion boss.

" Now then, we're finally alone don't worry I'm not violent. You look awfully young how old are you? " he ask.

" E-Eighteen... " I respond

" So you're in high school is it fun? "

" Um.. I don't know...? "

" You don't know?! That's okay don't  strain yourself and no need to worry. You'll have my full respect I promise, now take off your clothes. "

My eyes widen as he said that made me feel less afraid as he spoke.

" Take off your clothes of your full  pholicious and prove yourself to be a fine meal or would you like one of my comrades used forces on you. " he said.

I did want he ask, as I undress my school uniform but he told me to take all of my clothes off till I was completely naked.

" I want you to know that I won't do anything to disgrace you. " he said

As he picked up the remote to relieve a hidden bathtub.

" This is necessary process it will have to prepare for you so I can enjoy you as the best meal. "

Rouis pov

" But... but why are you telling me about this...?! "

I was shocked of hearing about Valerie and Haru being kidnapped by the Shishigumi.

" We need you to be prepared the reality this situation like this if you  eventually become a beastar you'll most likely encounter Shishigumi as well. Did you know them the human girl and the dwaft rabbit in Cherryton Academy? " he said

I look down and look at Haru's shoe next to Valerie's necklace in the trash bin, as I said.

" No matter how hard we tried to  conceal late it that wouldn't solve anything is there anything else that we could do?! "

" As far as the public is concerned information is their eyes and ears is  expertly important to evole on. So I'm asking you to keep this as a secret to keep this under raps for now on. No matter what the cost. " He said

As he pull out his hand for me to offer a deal to keep my mouth shut which means that I can't save Valerie and Haru. But I made a deal and went back and think of a way that I should do to save Valerie.

Dammit! Dammit!!

The Mayor and Shishigumi!!!

I look at the necklace in my hand that Valerie dropped.. the necklace that I gave her until I heard Legoshi calling me.

" ROUIS! " He yelled

As he grabbed my arm and told of the kidnappers so I pretend that I don't care and said.

" It happens all the time so get over it... there's no saving them..." I said

" What?! Are you serious!? Rouis we have to save them! I thought you loved Valerie!! " he said

As I punch him.

" Don't act like you know everything! All you are wolf pretending to be weak more than that!!! You don't understand anything!!... there's nothing we can do about it. We can't cause panic in the whole city that they want! " I said

" Lies, despair, redemption are all peace! You experience it than yourself!! You deceived by acting weak and blend in with society. "

Legoshi looks down and said to me.

" I understand... " he said

Grabbing both of my shoulders.

" I'll just have to show you that kind of  danger... Valerie's facing how we argue. I'll show you how angry I am! " He said.

As he formed his hand into a fist and punch me as I kicked him and punch him as we fight, though the herbivores and carnivores stops us. Than Legoshi said something that made my blood boil.

" The future is to live that life to make it to the top that's your choice. But just know... Valerie will be mine. "

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