A Wolf And A Hybrid

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Legoshi pov

We were done with dinner, and me and Saya was in her room to hangout together.

Her bedroom is big, she has a TV, video games, movies, guitar, and even her closest had more space in there

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Her bedroom is big, she has a TV, video games, movies, guitar, and even her closest had more space in there.

" Wow! Your room is organized... " I said.

" Thanks.. is not that great honestly " she said.

" No, it nice to have a big space, and I have a room that is less big " I smiled.

" Well maybe I should go to your house someday " she said.

" Yeah, sure " I said.

" Oh! This is Diablo " she said.

" Oh! This is Diablo " she said

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" Cool! He's amazing! " I said.

" Thanks.. come on, let's watch bug wars " she smile.

At 10 p.m., me and her enjoying our time watching TV.

" I kinda like how they made the effects of sounds and 3D making " I said.

" Yeah! Though we couldn't really know how bugs sound like instead of making other sounds for them on shows. " she said.

But I feel tired and sleepy as I fall asleep by her.

Saya pov

Me and Legoshi are having fun as he lay on my shoulder, and my face is crimson red.


But he's kinda cute when he sleeps, and I sleep with him that night.

On 7 a.m., my alarm went off and I stopped it as I looked at it.

" LEGOSHI! " I yelled as Legoshi woke up surprisingly.

" WE'RE GONNA BE LATE! " we both said as we run downstairs.

" Good morning you two " my mom said.

" HI MOM!BYE MOM!LOVE YOU MOM! " I yelled as we run through the door.

" Hey Legoshi, I bet that one of us makes it to school! " I said.

" Okay, let's text and see who makes it! " he said.

" Alright see ya! " I said as we went our separate ways.

Suddenly I made it as I texted Legoshi.

Legoshi 8:14 am
You made it?

Saya 8:14 am
Yeah you?

Legoshi 8:15 am

Saya 8:15 am
Good looks like we're on a tie then

Legoshi 8:15 am
Kinda looks like it

Saya 8:15 am
Let me know if you wanted to text or call me at school

Legoshi 8:16 am
Sure same here ttyl

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