Feelings For One

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Valerie pov

At the festival, me and Haru were about to close the flower shop until we met the mayor.

" Ah Valerie its nice to finally meet you. "

" Oh um its nice to meet you too, and how you know me? " I ask.

" Your father was a great friend of mine in high school. " He smiled, as my eyes widen.

" You know my Dad?! "

" I do, and I am sorry for your loss and your mothers... but you have your father's heart and courage. Now you best go home its dangerous for a human at night. " He said with loyalty.

" Oh its okay I can take care of myself. "
I smiled, and he giggle.

" He said the same thing to me.. well I must be going take care." He said as he left, but I never knew that my dad made so many friends in his life, and he was helping everyone else in their life as I was.

" Hey Haru you ready to go back." I said.

" Nah its okay just go on ahead I'll catch up. " She said.

" Alright be careful.  " I waved, and left until I bumped into Louis.

Rouis pov

" Valerie... sorry I didn't see you. " I apologized.

" Oh its okay actually I was about to say the same thing. " She giggle, then asked " Are you about to leave? "

" Sure I'll walk with you. " I smile and she smile too.

" So how does it feel to be a beastar. " She ask.

" Well its a lot of responsibility as a animal student such as myself. " I said, as she giggle.

" Yeah that sounds right though.. you're always hard-headed as I remember. "

" Same as you in middle school. " I said, as we begin to laugh.

At the train station, Valerie had been down lately, and we were too quiet on each other.

" Is something wrong Val..? " I ask.

" Oh still remember that silly nickname Ru. " She smile, but her eyes are staring down.

" And I still remember when we had a prank on those bullies for cheating on math quiz. " I said, and that made her chuckle but she was still down and she said, " Everywhere I go by every animal I met... are friends with my dad. Even though I never met him everyone tells me stories about him but still I just wish he'd be alive with me if he wasn't sick with some illness. Though my mom missed him more then I had..... I.... I-I thought about him every year.... a-and I.... don't know why I can't even -" as she was about to say anything, I cut her off and rap my arms around her as her eyes of sadness was filled with so much tears as I tell her my feelings.

" Its okay I know how you feel... but you have me, you have friends, and you have your family that loves you. But, I want you to be happy and I want you to be brave because I love everything you do and say your love, kindness, compassion, trust, loyalty, leadership, determination, ability, interests, talents, skills, experience, knowledge... I love that about you ever since we were children you are the friend I ever met and had.. because I-I.... I love you Valerie. "

She was shocked because of the things I said, and she looked at me, placed her hand on my cheek and kissed me, as I kissed back then we pulled away from each other and we hugged each.

" I love you too Rouis. "

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