Wolf vs Deer

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Legoshi pov

' Come on, just focus and find her scent... ' I thought.

I was walking around of finding them as I asked the people in the Black Market about where Shishigumi's hideout they sorta leave. But I met two carnivores and said.

" Excuse me I'm looking for Shishigumi hideout? "

" Sure follow us... " he lied.

I follow them to the alley as they push me to the wall and trying to steal money from me. I plead them to just help me until I was saved by Panda but the thieves took off leaving me with Panda.

" Panda! " I yelled

" Grr... I told you its Gouhin not Panda and what the hell are you doing here late is what I'm concerned" He question.

" Please I need your help.. it's Valerie and Haru they were kidnapped by Shishigumi and- " I said as he got cut off.

" Shhh! Keep it down will ya!... Listen Shishigumi is a group of lions that owns the Black Market and you do not want to mess with them because you might die going to the hideout of their warehouse over by the lake and- " He said As I cut him off.

" Okay I got it so where's the lake is at? " I ask.

" Did you not listen to me!? If you just wanted to swim in your grave I would jump in. " He said.

" Yeah... that's one easy way for me though... but I will do anything for love and hope to tell her my feelings and if I have to fight through to save them... then I had to die for the girl I love. " I said.

I ran fast as I could to save them even if I have to die trying.

Rouis pov

I was thinking about what Legoshi said, and I was hopeless for telling him what I said to him. I have to save Valerie and I hope that she's still be alive if not... then I'll blame myself forever. I sneak out of school and finding my way to find Valerie and save her, and I looked at the necklace on my right hand to pray for her safety.

" I'm coming Valerie... just hang on til I get to you. " I said.

Legoshi pov

At midnight, I was at the Shishigumi's hideout and planning on how to save them. I hope Valerie is still alive in there.

" A lone wolf in a rare sight you know trespassing is forbidden. " The lion said.

He pointed out a gun at me as I said.

" Yes right I'm sorry but please hear me out I'm here for a good reason- " I said but got cut off.

" Oh no no no, don't try to take this chance away from me. " he said. " We Felines have always strong aversion towards you canines where both animals. All you do is wag your tail, do stupid tricks and socialize it gets in our nerves, and now I given a chance to take down a grey wolf. Talk about a reward... any last words? "

I smell something... its Valerie's scent... he touched her!!!!

" Tell me... what have you done to her?!... " I ask.

" Oh your here to save that rabbit girl now I understand. " he said " You'll find her on the upstairs in 5th floor, but I'm afraid you're too late. If you really want to see her you might as well make the boss vomit her out. "

My instincts kicked in and charged at him... grabbed his gun and shot his ear.

" Hey old man! Tell me the truth!!! I don't smell anything of her blood from you!!!!? Any of her blood that is means she's still alive!!!! " I said as he plead for mercy.

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