Protecting Your Family And Friends

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Rouis pov

In my office, I looked at the chart rent of the Black Market credit chart as I tap my finger on the desk.

" It looks like the Golden Age of the Shishigumi is drawing near. " I said.

" Yes, it's all thanks to the herbivores, but something unusual has happened regarding the Wonder Drug shop " Ibuki said.

" What is it? " I ask.

" It would seem they're been having trouble getting elephant tusks for their drug recently " he explained.

" They're a vital source of income for our group, right " I question.

" Correct " he answered.

" I believe someone has been stealing them "

" Investigate it " I ordered.

Legoshi pov

I have an internal vault for scents, for the past seventeen years, I've built up a database of countless scents. But recently, the data for animals I want to protect has been gradually increasing in size. And there's always been one scent that stands out among the rest... Rouis's scent... Saya's scent... and.. Valerie's scent...

" Hey! " Gouhin shout as I snapped out of my thoughts.

" Don't space out in the middle of work, get a grip! Today we're got two guys addicted to gazelle meat "

" They're wobbling... but it's not because they're drunk. " I said answerly.

" Looks like you can handle this on your own " he said.

" He's thinking ahead~ " Saya said.

" Yeah " I said.

" I'll see you two later "

I'm going to use the method Gouhin tought me for dealing with multiple species.

I have no choice of catching a leopard if they run away. So, prevent them from running. When fighting two animals at once, make full use of your body, and exposed your defenses.

Birds are dangerous not because they can fly, but because their voice range can rupture ear drums. Strike their throats to silence them, and always make the first move.

Finally, make them inhale Gouhin's special sleep medication... and that's that.

Saya pov

At Gouhin's place, I watch Legoshi lift weights as I watch.

' Wow~ he's so handsomely lift the heavy weights of those muscles ' I thought charmingly, as I blush brightly.

' Pull it together Saya! Your suppost to help him, not being all flirty to him!!!!!! ' I thought to myself, as I shake head side to side rapidly.

" Not bad, Legoshi " Gouhin said.

" You get some training in, and my job gets a little easier. We're killing birds with one stone. Tonight's a good night for a dri- " Gouhin said as he saw Legoshi lift his weights.

" Geeze, Legoshi you've got a lot of training going on in you " I said.

" Hey, don't push yourself too much, you'll damage your body. You're not going to get stronger if you do things sloppily " Gouhin said, as Legoshi drop to the ground.

" But... the culprit is a brown bear! " He said.

" You should go find allies, Legoshi. At the rate, the pressure will crush you first " Gouhin said.

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