The Bond We Trust Another

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Saya pov

It's midnight, and I was still awake at 11 pm as I got up and sneak out of the house to find Rouis. I took out a necklace that he dropped at the hospital  as I sniff it out to follow his scent, and his scent color was magenta because I can see the scent of every animal even my Mom, Valerie, Dad, and Saito. Though truthfully be told I am colorblind to objects and people but not to scents, I even see my own scent color, and its white.

As I keep following his scent to find where he's at, I was following a different scent along with his but... it was a bright tan color, and it smells like a wolf as I keep on following it to the end by the train bridge above me and saw him and the female wolf dancing?! My eyes widen and my blood boil in anger as I saw him with a carnivore bitch, I got closer to hear them talk as I was about to come out, I realized that they're friends not lovers... I guess that something my determination and temper gets the best of me.

The grey wolf ran off leaving the red deer alone as I came out of the dark.

" I hope you and your friend had a lovely time... though I couldn't say your date because than you might be cheating on her as if you were about to be in the first place to be completely honest. " I said as he turns around.

" Saya?! How did- " he was about to ask as I beat him to it, and show him the Valerie's necklace.

" You drop this at the hospital right after you left... Now you're going to tell me everything if you really want me to keep this as a secret. And don't even try not to lie like you always do, but I'm trying to make things right for Valerie... but, I can't until you tell me the truth.. the whole truth. "

We sat on the beach right above the tall light, and he started talking. He told me everything his past, his hatred on carnivores, his pain, his feelings for Valerie, my parents, his curse childhood, me, my brother, his friends, his foster Dad, his suffering, and him being the new leader of Shishigumi. I was shocked of what I've heard from him... I felt sorry for him and his childhood past in the Black Market, he been through so much pain and suffer through a lot lately as far I have known... he's lucky that Valerie was there for him, and his.. Dad let's him and her be together when they were kids.

" Rouis... " I said as I place my hand on his shoulder.

" I'm sorry that you've been through a lot of pressure on pain... and I'm sorry of what happened to you as a kid. But you were saved by the man that you called father, he gave you a chance to live, to learn, to have friends, to find love, to have a family that you always wanted. Would you not be alive if you had all of that stuff to even begin with? Because I know for a fact that Valerie was lucky to have you by her side as you are with her... though I am sorry for beating the fuck out of you at the hospital and what I've said to you was badly harsh. "

" It's fine... though did deserve it for leaving Valerie, and leaving school... " he said.

" Saya... I need a favor from you. I need you to give the necklace to her tomorrow. "

" No " I said as I took his hand and place the necklace to make him hold it.

" You do it... because you love her, you give it to her. She awake though, and you should go visit her tomorrow.. now I'm going home and sleep, you need to do the same as well. Because I will be keeping a eye, ears, and nose on you. Got it Bambi, now you should head back to your gangly Felines now and be sure you call me if anything goes wrong. "

" Saya.. thank you for talking with me, I enjoyed our time together and I will find out who hurt your sister, I will visit you and your family again if I'm not busy along with Valerie too. " he said as I smiled.

" Yeah... same here, goodnight Rouis " I said as I left.

Rouis pov

Saya and I went our sepreted ways, I held on to the necklace in my hand so I would give it to her. I love Valerie with all my heart, and I know that there's a future for us to change the world to its better life in the world.

' Valerie... We will make the world a better place for us and our future. ' I thought as I went to bed and I drift away to sleep.

 (🦌, 🐺, 🐇 X OcFem! Human, Hybrid Girl, Hybrid Boy Reader)Where stories live. Discover now