Memories Of You And I

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Valerie pov


I was just 4 years old, and I was in a park playing as my mother watched me having fun until she was distracted by a black wolf cop that sit by her.

As I was playing, I witnessed some carnivores a fox and a tiger picking on a deer and I walked towards them.

" Hey! You jerks leave him alone! " I shout.

" Back off freak, and watch it! Because you'll be next once we're done with him " the fox said as I push him down.

" I said leave him alone! " I said with determination.

" You really wanna fight do you?! " the fox said.

" You don't scare me! " I yelled as the fox push me hard to the ground.

The two carnivores started laughing at me as I was still on the ground.

" Oh, what's wrong? Are you gonna cry frea- " the fox tries to say as I kicked him in the nose, and the tiger and deer gasp.

" Don't know when to quit do you?! " the fox said as he raises his claws to the air.

My eyes widen as he strikes down but the deer boy punch him in the face.

" Why you little- " the fox tries to shout by was pulled by his friend.

" Come on let's get out of here " the tiger said.

" This isn't over you two! Just wait and see! " the fox said as both of them ran off.

It was just me and him now, as he  held his hand to help me up then I smiled.

" Thanks, we did show those grumpers who's boss " I said.

" Uh... " he tried to speak as I saw a scratch wound on his hand.

" Oh no! Your hand! Don't worry my mommy had a first aid-kit for it come on " I said as I hold his hand and we walked back to the park.

We walked up to my mother where she was still talking to the cop.

" Mommy " I said.

" Oh you've made a friend sweetie? " she ask as I nod.

" This is um...? " I said with confusion.

" ...Rouis. " He said.

" Ah, a handsome name " she smiled as my mother witness a wound on his hand.

" Oh sweetie what happened to your hand?! " she ask.

" A fox and tiger were bullying on him for no reason! So we stopped them and they ran off because they had no right to mess with good people! " I said with courage and loyalty.

" Ah! Your such a brave girl Valerie! " she smiled.

" Rouis?... where are your parents? " she ask.

" My caretaker was suppost to watch me but then those carnivores show up and took me " he said as my mother patted his head then smile.

" Well.. you should stay the night with me until we call your parents to come get you okay " she said.

" Oh! You have a kid! She looks just like you " the cop said.

" Yes, this is my daughter, Valerie " she said.

" Hello Valerie, I'm Edward and I am a police officer " Edward said.

" That's awesome! " I said.

" Well I should get going " Edward said.

" Its was nice talking to you, Rachel and it was nice to meet you Valerie. "

" Yeah! " I smiled and waved bye to him.

" I like him Mommy, he's nice. Did he ask you out? " I said as she blush.

We went to the house was me and Louis were playing in my room.

" Rouis, your father said he'll pick you up tomorrow " she said as he nodded.

" Don't worry you'll sleep on my bed and I'll sleep on my airbed " I said.

" But... its okay if I sleep on the airbed... " he said shyly.

" Its okay, really! So now you sleep on my bed alright " I said.

" Alright... " he said.

Next morning, we went to the backyard to play as we're playing tag, someone to get him.

" Rouis " his father said.

" Father " he said.

" Seems like your caretaker didn't do the job of watching you " his father said as he turn his eyes at me.

" You are Valerie, right? " he asked.

" Yes sir, and you've must be his foster father " I said.

" How could you tell? " he ask.

" Because he doesn't have your fur color, antlers shape, and eyes but... its good to have kids that makes you happy and have good memories, so I'm glad " I said with kindness and care, as he had his hand place up top of my head.

" You're so much like your father... " he said as my eyes widen.

" You know my Daddy?! " I said by suprises as he nod.

" Me and him were best friends since high school, and your mother was my friend as well " he said.

" Tell me something, Valerie what'd you wish for in this world? " he ask.

" I wish to make the world a better place! And to help people! To make all of us as equals! So we can see the truth of good deeds within the lies of bad deeds! Then all of us in the world can be ready for the justice and peace! No matter how weak or strong I am! Because I'll keep on  fighting just like my Daddy did! " I said with courage and bravery as his eyes widen.

" You show a lot of boldness in you like your father did, and you'll keep being bold til the very end " he said as Rouis and him left.

End of Flashback

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