Justice Spilled Blood

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Valerie pov

I heard that Legoshi left school, and I don't know how to say it but... I don't know why he left... he didn't even say his goodbye to everyone including me. Something tells me that he's looking for the killer as I am... he knows who killed Tem.

At midnight, I was about to leave the drama club until I bumped into a bear.

" Oh I'm sorry Riz, I didn't see you " I said.

" It's fine Valerie, so are you going to your dorm? " he ask as I nod.

" Well want me to walk with you "

" Sure that'll be great " I smiled.

" So Riz... what are you doing in this hallway at night? " I ask.

" Well I couldn't get enough sleep for once after... Tem " he said.

" Oh Riz, don't blame yourself you didn't do anything wrong " I said as he went silent.

I don't know what's wrong with him but, something seems off about Riz... he's been like that since Tem's death.

" Riz...? " I said as I place my hand on his shoulder.

" You know that you can tell me everything on what's bothering you... I'm really worried that you were depressed on something terrible. So... if you want to tell me anything just come by my dorm and let me know okay. " I said with kindness and respect.

" Valerie, come with me there's something I want to tell you... " he said as I followed him.

We walked outside at night, and as I about to speak he stop, and he hugged me.

" Valerie... I did something wrong, and I wanted to tell this because... you're my only friend that I can trust, and I want to protect you. But, you need to know the truth of what I have to say, and you need to trust of what I'm saying... do you understand Valerie." he said as I nod.

I was scared and confused, as he was squeeze me tightly I couldn't breathe.

" R-Riz you're s-squeezing me t-to tight- " I said as he cut me off.

" I-I... I killed Tem.. I don't know what to do... please tell what I have to do...?! " he said with sadness and rage as my eyes widen in shock.

I took deep breath, and place both of my hands on his shoulders.

" I want to help you Riz... but if you really want to do the right thing. Then just... let me help you, and confess to your truth to the people. Just that they'll help you. " I said.

" I expect better from you... Valerie... " he said as he clawed my back.

I was in yelping in pain as I punch him on the side hardly rough, and run to the school to get help. I run as fast to reach to Rokume, and before I could reach to the theater I called out his name.

" ROKUME?ROKUME!ROKUME?! " I screamly repeat as Riz hit my head real hard with a pole.

Blood coming out of both back and head as I blackout.

Riz pov

I hit her with the pole as blood came out, I lick her blood... the sweet taste of her blood. I was about to devour her as I heard someone coming.. I sprint out of the theater, and went to my dorm, to hide in the darkness again.

Rokume pov

" ROKUME?ROKUME!ROKUME?! " I heard yelling as I slither to see her.

I was slithering fast as I could to the theater to reach Valerie, and hope that she's okay. As I made it to the theater I saw her on the floor in a pool of her own blood, and my eyes widen. I put her in the nurse's office bed as I called ambulances to the school to help her.

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