never a dull moment

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it's been a minute. life's a bitch. schools a bitch. that's my only excuse.

lowkey a filler but exciting shit happens the next few chapters.


Jaycee's POV


Our father had told us the truth.

Once we'd arrived home from Daphne's birthday party, he'd seated us on the couch and explained everything.

He told us how he'd obtained the Dark Mark from the Dark Lord in late June. He told us that You Know Who had returned. He told us he was sorry. He told us he couldn't explain, but that we had to trust him. He told us that this was the best option to protect us in the long run. He told us that he was sorry again. He told us that he wouldn't be around as much. Once again, he told us it was sorry.

He showed us his Dark Mark. Dylan had almost had a heart attack at the putrid sight of the thick, black snakes digging into my fathers arm. The symbol was painful to even look at and elicited a terribly dreary feeling in my gut. I could sense the Dark Magic that wafted off of it.

I'd just started at it blankly. I hadn't said a word throughout my fathers entire speech. Essentially, nothing he told me was anything I didn't already know. Everything he'd said was useless to me. He was keeping things to himself, as per usual. Something told me that I'd never discover the full truth.

Dylan had been devastated about the entire situation, while I had been surprisingly nonchalant. My concerns and guilt had evolved to a pit of numbness that permanently rested in my gut. But perhaps that was for the best.


Even though none of the Hillikers' left the space of our manor over the next two days, we somehow still managed to run late to the Malfoy's dinner on Saturday evening.

Although, our tardiness was not due to Dylan nor I's actions. The two of us had been ready to venture from the manor for three quarters of an hour and had been sitting in the main living room, the area in which we usually met to apparate to functions. Our father was the one that was setting us behind schedule.

Although I was peeved at my father for obvious reasons, I was internally grateful that he was taking his time. I was sure that we would still make it in time to Malfoy's' for dinner and that we would only miss the pre-beverages, condiments and overhearing of bored adults gossiping about the the latest scandal at the Ministry or Gringotts. All this would occur, while all of the children sat by their parents, keeping silent and acting like a bunch of goody-two shoes who definitely didn't hook up amongst each other, party, or partake in other teenage tendencies together when the adults weren't around.

As time passed, the silence that hung amongst the space between Dylan and I seemed to amplify itself if that was even possible. The only noise that was present emitted from the ticking of the grand grandfather clock in the corner of the room and the light tapping of my twin brothers foot against the floorboards. We'd barely spoken over the past few days. Neither of us had much to say, but the muteness between us spoke volumes.

I glanced down at my hands that were resting in the my lap, which was covered by the black fabric of the dress set that I adorned. The dark shade of my attire suited my droll mood. It had puffed sleeves made out of thin, silky fabric that allowed my skin to breathe in the hot summer air—aided by the open back of the top. Between the top and skirt, the slightest bit of my stomach was revealed without it being too 'innapropriate' for a dinner with adults. The skirt of the set was crafted from the same fabric, form-fitting and classy.

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