a drunk mind is a sober heart

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Jaycee's POV

"Fluer!" I exclaimed with a giggle, wrapping my arms around my beautiful cousin as she excitedly approached me after the Feast. We stood just outside the Great Hall and countless people ogled at her as they walked by. It must be tiring be that damn gorgeous.

She hugged me back tightly. "I missed you!" she exclaimed. "I'm so glad that you and Dylan are at Hogwarts, it's great to see some familiar faces in this foreign place. I have noticed that the people are quite strange, and the boys..."

I smirked lightly. "Won't stop staring at you? I don't want to know how many have already approached you..."

Fluer sighed, shaking her head in exasperation. "Far too many for my liking. And the girls here don't seem to like me very much either, they look at me oddly. This is why I dislike being a Veela."

I glanced at her sympathetically but then made sure to reassure her. "You'll find that a lot of the guys are pigs and plenty of the girls are plain bitchy. Don't stress, Dylan and I will warn you who to steer clear of..."

Fluer smiled at me gratefully. "I'd appreciate that." she replied. "This place is so different to Beauxobotons. Do you think that you could give me a tour one day, I'd like to get to know the places, since I'll be here for a while."

I laughed. "Of course I can." At that very moment, Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini swiftly appeared on either side of me, looking uncharacteristically more put together than usual.

"Hey Jaycee," Theo greeted, not even sending me a glance but staring straight ahead at Fluer, in a trance like state. Blaise mirrored his friends exact actions. The pair of them look like a pair of drooling puppies and I rub my palm against my temple and sigh. I knew exactly what they were playing at.

"Fluer, this is Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott." I implored, sending my cousin a knowing glance. "They're both good...friends of mine."

Fluer smiled politely. "Nice to meet you, I'm Fluer Delacour, Jaycee's cousin." she greeted, but judging by the lack of enthusiasm in her voice and eyes, she couldn't give a shit.

"Pleasure," Blaise inquired with what I liked to call his classic flirt-smirk. It might have impressed other girls, but Fluer was completely nonchalant towards the idiotic boy. Blaise nudged my elbow, then looked back at Fluer, "You know, one time I saved Jaycee from the dementors with a patronus charm." he mused.

I quirked my eyebrows skeptically.

"I do her potions homework all the time," Theo added, glancing at Fluer with a grin. "Since she never understands it."

Fluer looked at me with puzzlement while I shook my head in disbelief. "Nice try, guys. But don't try again." I smirked, looking between the two boys, then back at Fluer. "I was the one that saved Blaise from the dementors while he screamed like a two year old and I'm the reason that Theodore hasn't failed Potions yet."

Blaise's grin drooped to an expression of betrayal while Theo's jaw dropped. Fluer actually giggled. "Your friends are funny." she laughed.

This seemed to brighten their moods considerably.

A few moments later, Madam Maxine beckoned the Beauxobotons students to head back to their quarters and I hugged Fluer goodbye before we parted.

"The Veela is your cousin?" Theodore exclaimed in a low voice as we ascended back to the Common Room.

I rolled my eyes slightly. "The Veela's name is Fluer. And yes, she's my cousin. Don't you two even think
about it." I implored warningly, giving them both a hard glare.

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