tea leaves never lie

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Jaycee's POV

"That's enough content covered for one day. You can all be dismissed. Clearly, the Killing Curse isn't something that your age group would be able to handle..." Moody stated in a gruff tone, waving the entire class off.

"But the bell hasn't rung yet, sir." One of the Ravenclaws piped up.

"Don't care." Moody replied roughly, stomping back over towards his desk and not giving his students a second glance.

The whole class began piling out of the room, the Ravenclaws leaving first, each one of them staring at me curiously as they passed. Afterwards, the Slytherins followed. My head throbbed each step I took and my senses didn't seem to be functioning correctly.

Jordan let out a relieved sigh once we were out in the corridor. "Thank goodness," he embarked, "I didn't wanna admit it before, but the thought of the Killing Curse freaked me out."

Dylan nodded in agreement, "That class was bloody harsh. What on earth was Moody thinking?" he implored.

My eyes fluttered and I was finding it difficult to walk in a straight line but I still allowed my lips to form a small grin. "I suppose they say he's mad for a reason."

Dylan glanced at me worriedly, noticing my discomfort. "Maybe you should go to the hospital Jay...." he began wearily. "The way you were screaming before, during your seizure, it sounded like you were in pain."

I shook my head, looking down at my feet. "I'll be fine, really." I lied. "Madam Pomfrey will just dramatise the situation and force me to stay overnight. Like Moody said himself, it was probably just shock..."

"Okay, if you sure you're alright..." Dylan agreed, frowning at me with concern.

The right thing to do probably would be to go to the hospital wing due to the fact that I felt as though I would faint or puke at any given moment. Although, the real reason I didn't want to go was because Madam Pomfrey would possibly be able to figure out that I had had just endured the Cruciatus curse, and that was the last thing I needed.

"Should we head to lunch, then? I'm starving." Jordan piped up.

I stopped in my tracks. "Err—you guys go ahead. I'm gonna go to the bathroom."

Astoria glanced at me pensively. "You're sure you're okay, aren't you?"

I nodded, and forced a smile. "I'm fine—really. Just a bit dazed. I'll see you next period."

I waved at the Slytherins before making my way to the bathroom, trying not to crash into another person in the student filled corridors. Once I finally reached the destination, I pathetically locked myself into one of stalls and slid to the ground, hugging my knees and buried my hands into my knees as my head throbbed and I ruminated over my many problems.

Facing other people was the last thing that I needed right now. I cringed, thinking about the fact that false news that I 'couldn't handle witnessing the Cruciatus Curse and had a seizure' would probably spread around the school. I would be mocked endlessly.

That was the least of my problems, though. My magic had gone completely out of control and it was becoming to often of an occurrence to just be ignored. I needed to figure out what on earth was wrong with me before I caused some serious damage. I mean, I already had. I'd just endured the freaking Torture Curse and it had been the worst pain I'd ever felt.

I dug my hands into my hair frustratedly. There had to be some way to figure out what was wrong with me. Some book. Some solution to the problem...But I just couldn't think of anything besides asking my father. And that was a whole other problem I didn't want to deal with.

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