makeups not makeouts

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Jaycee's POV

I sighed, watching as the last of the silver wisps flew out of my wand, and then dissingergrated into the air in a matter of seconds. Lupin clasped the boggart shut before the fake dementor could have its toll on me.

"It's getting better," Lupin assured me as I begrudgingly looked down at the dusty ground. "You're not fainting anymore, which is a good sign."

It had been weeks since our weekly lessons and I still couldn't seem to get the hang of my Patronus. It was not only frustrating, but also worrying to me as I was now constantly horrified by the aspect that I'd never be able to defend myself against any Dementors that I might somehow find myself running in to. It certainly would not be enjoyable to get my soul sucked out...

I simply shrugged at my professor, feeling doubtful. "I suppose. I don't know what I'm possibly doing wrong. I've tried everything...but it never seems to work."

Lupin gave me a reassuring pat on the back. "I'm completely confident that you'll be able to do the spell correctly eventually. You just need to think of a happier memory." He told me for what seemed like the thousandth time.

I've tried every memory possible, I thought to myself.

I gave Lupin a fake smile. "Of course."

As Harry had a practice with the boggart, and was successful for what seemed like the thousandth time, I tried to think of a happy memory. There had to be something that was strong enough to create a Patronus. Although there wasn't very much to be happy about at the moment; Fred Weasley was still ignoring me, Quidditch Practice was going horrible, I had so much school work that I barely had time to socialise with my friends or have any fun and Snape was still forcing me to tutor Malfoy and Pansy. Their grades were still sinking rapidly and Snape continued to threaten to move me down to the second years potion class every lesson.

When I snapped back into reality, the boggart was clasped once again and Lupin was staring down at Harry and I. "That will be it for today. Same time next week. See you in classes."

Harry and I trudged out of the classroom.

"You coming to the Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor match on the weekend?" Harry questioned as we walked along the corridors.

I smirked. "For sure, can't wait to see you smash it on your new Firebolt."

Harry grinned but looked slightly nervous. "Thanks. I'm just a bit worried about you know—the Dementors. I don't exactly want a repeat of what happened last match..."

I bit my lip and looked at Harry sympathetically. "You'll be fine," I assured him, "You basically know how to conjure a perfect Patronus now. Plus, I'm sure Dumbledore would have sorted evertything out and had the Dementors under control. He was livid after what went down in your last match."

This comment seemed to lighten Harry up. "Thanks Jaycee. I'll see you there then. Oh—and you better be supporting Gryffindor..."

I smirked, nodded, and we went our seperate ways.

"GOOOO RAVENCLAW!" Jordan Pucey yelled, waving his hands up like a complete maniac. He looked very strange sporting blue attire rather than green.

"No!" Astoria yelled, standing up besides him. "Go Gryffindor! Ravenclaw sucks!"

I was shocked Astoria would say something so cruel.

Bella scoffed. "What the hell, Stori?! All the guys in Ravenclaw are hot!"

"Better not let Warrington hear you saying that." Dylan teased Bella.

Bella flipped her hair back. "Cassius and I are currently arguing, so I don't care what he hears or doesn't hear me say." Bella stated, crossing her arms snobbishly.

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