when push comes to shove

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Last chapter of 3rd year!!

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Jaycee's POV



It acts as shock absorber for the mind. It's something that helps people maintain their sanity until they're fully equipped to cope with the reality of a situation.

Upon being informed that You Know Who had returned, denial is what I'd allowed to succumb me. The peculiar thing was that I wasn't a blind idiot. I was fully aware that I was forcing my mind into delusion and ignoring the hints that ultimately led to the truth. But regardless, I continued doing so...

If I could lie to everybody else, I could lie to myself. I could pretend that I agreed with the countless people that mocked Harry Potter and called him a fool for believing You Know Who had returned. I could pretend to accept the fact that Cedric Diggory's death had been a tragic accident. I could pretend that everything that Barty Crouch Jr. had told me had been a lie.

They say that people who live in denial are fools...

But if temporarily living in the illusion of reality that I'd created in my head was going to allow me to get through the last few days of school before Summer with my sanity intact, then so be it.

I hadn't told a soul what had occurred in Professor Moody's office. Somehow, Barty Crouch Jr. had exposed himself and had conveniently been given the Dementors Kiss. Perhaps I was selfish, but I found that there was no good reason to expose myself over someone who was practically dead, especially when Potter had already declared exactly what I'd been told by Barty Crouch Jr; You Know Who was back.

With Barty Crouch Jr. out of the picture, my secret regarding 'curse' was, yet again, safe. Not even Draco Malfoy knew the extent of my magical abilities. Perhaps, I didn't even know...

I used up a lot of my time over the next few days thinking about what had occurred in that office. Particularly regarding my tears, which seemed to have healing properties. There was only one other creature that I knew that possessed an ability like that and it was a Phoenix. The strange occurrence had me questioning what other things I was capable of and how much power I truly had.

I didn't dare to try and actually test my magic, though. In the mental state I was in, I felt it was far too risky. In fact, I was almost afraid of myself and what I could do. It was becoming apparent that I possessed some form of Dark Magic. And Dark Magic is not something one messes around with...

The was a tribute to Cedric Diggory. It was a sombre and despondent occasion. The usual decorations were missing. The Great Hall was normally decorated with the winning house's colours for the Leaving Feast. That night, however, there were black drapes on the wall behind the teachers table; a mark of respect for Cedric.

"Cedric was a person who exemplified many of the qualities which distinguish Hufflepuff house, he was a good and loyal friend, a hard worker, he valued fair play." Dumbledore had spoken over the Great Hall in a severe tone.

You could've heard a pin drop.

Even to those, like myself, who hadn't known Diggory personally, the reality of a students death had certainly struck a chord. I'd never seen the entire student body, particularly the Slytherins, acting so respectful and mature. No one was making their usual jeers, retorts and jokes throughout the feast. Even those who had disliked Diggory were paying their respects.

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