prodigy in the making

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This is a bit of a filler chapter...There are some important characters introduced though :)

Jaycee's POV:

After Defence Against the Dark Arts with Lockhart, we had Charms class which proved to be very interesting. I had successfully learnt how to perform the unlocking charm, and the class was taught by a very small goblin called Professor Flitwick. He was also the head of Ravenclaw House.

After Charms we had 'History of Magic' which was definitely the most uneventful out of my classes so far. Professor Binns, was a ghost who droned on and on in a voice so dull that I had to stop myself from dozing. My Slytherin friends and I had proclaimed the lessons to be our arranged 'nap time'.

The last class of the day was Potions, which I was actually looking forward to, despite what Ginny and Hermione had told me about Snape on the train. The class was with the Gryffindors, so when we entered the dark dungeon-like classroom, I ignored the strange looks my Slytherin friends gave me as I approached Ginny.

Just as I greeted her, Professor Snape slammed the dungeon door open and strolled into the classroom. Ginny and I exchanged a look of worry as he peered over all the students with beady eyes.

"The art of creating potions requires a sufficient amount of concentration and natural talent that I don't assume many of you will possess." The greasy haired man drawled bluntly causing many of the Gryffindors to blanch while the Slytherins merely grinned.

"Many of you incompetent children may think of Potions is an easy subject...A mocking activity perhaps..." Snape continued in his low, monotonous voice. I could see why people viewed him as intimidating now.

"I will not allow any behaviour out of sorts from you petulant young children. You think the world revolves around you and now I am here to inform you the regretful truth. It does not."

Everyone was silent, clearly intimidated and shocked by our new Professors harshness. I found it quite amusing.

"Today you will be working on conconcting the Sleepless Draught in pairs." Snape informed the class. Immediately the silence was broken when everybody started rushing and srcambling around the classroom to get a partner. I immediately shuffled towards Ginny.

"I will be assigning the pairs." Snape droned causing the chaos to stop and everyone to groan dramatically.

Ignoring the sounds of protest Snape began to place everyone into groups of two. "Weasley and Greengrass, Creevey and Hilliker, Bletchley and Pucey..."

I groaned and frowned at Ginny who trying not to laugh as an ecstatic Colin Creevey bounced over to me. Jordan and Dylan were snickering wildly in my direction, so I sent them a very rude hand gesture that Snape saw and didn't even punish me for...

"Hey Jay!" Colin said to me in a very ecstatic tone. I wanted to slap him in the face and tell him he wasn't allowed to call me 'Jay', but instead I just blinked at him. "Hi..." I said glumly.

"I'm so excited to make this potion, aren't you?" He said giddily, like an excited two year old on their birthday.

"I would be excited if I wasn't working with you..." I snapped a little too harshly. Luckily he was too busy playing with his camera to hear me properly.

"What did you say?" He asked me, snapping his head up to face me.

I sighed. "Nothing, I didn't say anything at all."

"The instructions are on the board, you have forty minutes to complete the potion. You may retrieve the ingredients from the potions cupboard." Professor Snape droned.

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