better left unsaid

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Jaycee's POV

And then his lips met mine.

I should've felt exhilarated that this was finally happening. That I was finally kissing Fred Weasley.

But I was confused.

Perhaps, it was because of the million other thoughts that were clouding my brain. Or maybe it was was because I'd been bordering off any of my feelings I'd had towards the boy for the past months. Nevertheless, the way our lips melded didn't seem to quench any of my desires...

His soft lips were on mine for a few mere moments before I felt myself being ripped away from him, roughly.

A cold hand was wrapped around my left arm and Fred was staring at the figure behind me with a mix of bafflement and irritation brewing in his chocolate eyes.

"What the hell is this?" An all too familiar voice sneered.

Fuck. Of all the people. It had to be him.

Cringing in inward embarrassment, I slowly turned my head to see Draco Malfoy looming behind me, his grey eyes boring into my like icy daggers as he waited for me to answer expectantly.

I let out a nervous laugh that just sounded like another hiccough. I could still feel salty tears spread across my cheeks. "CPR?" I jested in an attempt at lightheartedness, though my voice was rather stuffy.

Fred snorted and I thought that Malfoy would possibly find my comment amusing, maybe at least smirk, and then some of the awkwardness would subside. However his face remained in a deadly glare.

"You're coming with me." He stated venomously.

I smirked, thinking he wasn't serious. "Are you my mother, now?" I grimaced right after the words left my mouth, I felt my eyes sting again, rapidly. Too soon.

Malfoy didn't bother replying to my comment. Instead, he tightened his grip around my arm and began dragging me out of the alleyway, into the open street, and then into another alleyway.

"Malfoy, what are you doing?" I questioned incredously, once he finally came to a halt, letting go of my arm.

"Why the hell would you kiss him!" he blurted, his pale cheeks reddening in what appeared to be fury.

I blinked, taken aback. "It was barely five seconds—"

"He's a fucking blood traitor!" Malfoy cut me off, quite literally fuming. "A sodding piece of garbage, yet you kissed him!"

My lips parted in fury. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" I insisted heatedly. "What in your bloody head makes you think it's okay to speak about anybody like that—"

"You said you weren't into him anymore, Hilliker." He interrupted venemously. "I heard it with my own ears. Why would you say that and then fucking kiss him?!"

My lips parted again as I blinked rapidly, shocked by his words. "I—I was. I am, I—" I groaned in frustration and shut my eyes, trying to comprehend my own emotions.

Too many thoughts at once.

"You're a fucking Hilliker, and you kiss a fucking Weasley! You're tainting your bloodline!" Malfoy carried on, pointing at me accusatorially.

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