snake got your tongue?

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Jaycee's POV

Dear Jaycee,

Presuming by your lack of correspondence, you're having a great time at Hogwarts. Already forgotten about your old man, have you...? Only joking. This house is incredibly boring without you and Dylan running around, corrupting the place with your mischief.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to see you two this Christmas. As much as I'd like to spend time with you at our manor, I have to go out of England to deal with a slight problem that the Ministry is having. I know Hogwarts let students stay over the holiday break, so I'm afraid you'll have to stay at school...

Tell Dylan. I would've sent him this letter too but I was scared he would just lose it, he is very irresponsible...Can't wait to see you two in the Summer Holidays. Have fun at Hogwarts.

Love, Dad.

I looked up from the letter, which I'd been reading whilst lounging one of the couches of the Slytherin Common Room.

Completely ignoring Bella, who was rambling on about clothes, I jogged over to where Dylan was playing chess with Jordan Pucey.

"Guess who's staying at school for the holiday break?" I addressed to my twin brother, waving the letter in front of his face.

He scanned over the writing of my fathers messy scrawl with his blue eyes and immediately scowled. "Hey, I am not irresponsible!" he whined, completely ignoring any of the other information in the letter

I grinned at him, trying not to laugh. "Well..."

"I'm not!" Dylan exclaimed, chucking a cushion from a nearby couch at my face.

I dodged it and caught it instead, then threw it back at him, hitting him square in the face. I snorted and stuck my tongue out at him as he continued to groan.

"So dungbrains, I guess we're staying here over Christmas—"

"You're staying here over Christmas break?" A voice suddenly scoffed, and Dylan and I turned to see that Draco Malfoy was addressing us from where he sat next to Theodore Nott.

I narrowed my eyes, "...Yes."

Malfoys eyebrows jumped tauntingly, "Well...this should be interesting," he drawled slowly, and Theodore began to snicker.

I turned away, rolling my eyes and hoping that this didn't mean that Malfoy would be staying over the holidays too...

I walked back over to where Isabella was painting her nails, and slumped down next to her on the lounge. "Oh, Jaycee...You ruined my concentration!" She exclaimed, looking up for where she was painting her nails to complain.

I rolled my eyes and tried not to smirk, "Uhh...sorry..."

She sighed dramatically, running a hand through her prefect brunette locks. "It's alright, I expect Astoria will make us leave for that duel thing soon..." she said, and I frowned.

"Wait...duel?" I asked, completely dumbfounded.

"Jaycee, were you even paying attention when we were looking at he noticeboard this morning?" Isabella asked me.

I smirked and bit my lip, "Well—no. I rushed off while you guys were looking so I could sit with Fred and George,"

Bella suddenly smirked at me, "Oh yes. We all know you have a crush on that Weasley twin," she grinned, jumping her eyebrows at me.

I groaned, throwing the envelope from the letter I had received at her face. "I do not!" I exclaimed, unable to keep the grin off my face.

"Hmm, really?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows as she continued to give me that same sly grin, and I groaned.

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