alike in a way

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Supposedly the person behind the attacks on muggleborns was 'finally caught' and the culprit was totally unexpected by everybody.

Apparently Hagrid had been the one behind the attacks' and was responsible for the opening of the chamber of secrets. Turns out this wasn't the first time he had done it.

Quite honestly, I thought the whole situation was a little bit suspicious. The minister had apparently come to the school one night and Hagrid had been arrested without any questions or conclusions made. It just didn't make sense to me.

I guess I was just overthinking everything, because everyone else seemed to think we were all safe now and that was it for the Chamber of Secrets ordeal...

The mandrakes were almost fully grown and soon they would be ready to cure all the petrified and then everything would be back to normal. Just in time for exams...

Speaking of exams, we were getting absolutely loaded with schoolwork and all my free time was wasted on studying and revising.

"What on earth is the final ingredient needed in the wolfsbang potion...?" Blaise asked me. We were sitting in the school courtyards, on the grass, revising our potions lessons. It'd been a whole hour and we hadn't gotten any revision done, at all.

"I dunno, you tell me," I mused with a smirk, as I played with my quill.

He frowned, "Er—lacewing?"

I snorted. "Nope, its actually boomslang skin, stupid."

He smirked. "Thanks smart- ass."

I shoved his arm playfully, "you're welcome douche bag."

"Hey Jaycee." someone interrupted my crude comment. I looked up from where I was laying on the grass to see the Weasley twins grinning at me, although one of them was looking a bit peeved about something...

"Oh, hey guys." I greeted, cheerfully. "What's up?"

"We've got something to show you Jay, care to come with us?" Fred asked with his classic wink, but for some reason his tone didn't seem as bubbly as usual.

"Err—yeah, sure." I said, scrambling to pack up all my homework.

I turned to Blaise. "You don't mind, do you?"

He smirked at me. "Nah, all good, I'll probably head up to the Great Hall for lunch anyways."

"Ok cool. See ya in class." I said to Blaise, waving. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Fred glaring at him and I shot him a strange look.

After Blaise was out of earshot, Fred glanced at me with an annoyed look on his face. "So you and Zabini then, huh?" He asked, raising his eyebrows at me.

I scrunched my eyebrows and shook my head repeatedly. "Um no. Definitely not, he's just a friend."

Fred raised his eyebrows at me. "You sure about that?" I gave him a bemused look and shook my head. "Um yeah—certain. Blaise is cool...but I don't think of him like that at all." I laughed. "Why do you care anyways?" I added.

Fred shrugged, but seemed a lot happier than before. Maybe I was just imagining things...

"So, what did you guys want to show me?" I asked the twins, snapping out of my nonsense thoughts.

"Oh—I didn't even want to show you anything. Just had to save you from that guy...Can't have you hanging around with evil second years." Fred smirked, his usual grin returning.

I crossed my arms. "What does that even mean?"

"See you around Jay." Fred grinned, with a swift wink, before heading into the Great Hall.

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