inside the chamber

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Jaycee's POV

I landed on the cold damp ground with a thud. It was covered in mud, dust and wet rocks.

Rubbing my back, which was sore from the impact of the fall, I carefully stood up, noticing there were two new fresh grazes on my knees.

I ran a hand through my long hair taking in my new surroundings'.

This had to be the Chamber of Secrets, what else would it be? It occurred to me that the Chamber was most likely located under the pipes, which made this whole ordeal a lot more unnapealing.

I was so preoccupied with my new predicament, that I completely didn't notice that a red haired boy was standing in the corner of the rocky crevice', huddled near a pile of large boulders.

"J-Jaycee...?" Ron blurted incredously. I whipped my head to face him and really didn't know what to do or say.

I awkwardly grinned at him. "Uhh...hi...?"

"What are you doing here?" He asked in complete shock. His voice wasn't in the usual tone of spite that he usually addressed me in, but one of general surprise.

"Uh—I'm actually not sure." I replied simply.

It felt weird to be having a normal conversation with one of my supposed 'enemies'.

"Did you come here alone?" I asked the redhead, with an eyebrow raise.

Ron shook his head. "Harry's here too, and we dragged this oaf down down here with us. He was supposed to help save Ginny, but he's just a coward ass." Ron explained, and it was only then that I noticed that my Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Gilderoy Lockhart was huddled in a strange position on the muddy floor. He had a weird, dumbfounded look on his face, unlike his usual pompous and vain expression.

"Lockhart?" I blurted in bewilderment. The professor' eyes slid over to me, and after observing me for a few seconds of eerie silence he spoke.

"Who is Lockhart?"

Thoroughly confused, I turned to Ron for an explanation.

He just shook his head at me. "You don't wanna know."

I gazed at him suspiciously but decided to shrug it off. It wasn't like there was ten thousand other things to worry about...

"So...where's Harry then?" I decided to ask.

Ron gulped, then nodded to where a sort of pathway was gaping through a large wall constructed by rocks.

"He went in there Ginny." Ron explained with a wince.

"Does he know what's in the Chamber?" I asked, curiously.

Ron sighed. "Sort of. Harry, figured out that the monster attacking all the muggleborns was a Basilisk."

My eyes widened, as sudden realisation came over me. Of course. I had read about Basilisks' before. If you looked a basilisk in the eye, you immediately died, but if you looked at their reflection you would only be petrified. It explained how everyone had been attacked. Hermione had seen the Basilisk through a mirror, Justin Flinch Fletchley had seen it through a ghost. Everything was starting to add up: Spiders fled from the basilisk, which explained those strange spiders I had seen near the common room on Christmas Day. The only person who would be able to control the Basilisk would be the Heir of Slytherin...

A sudden wave of realisation overcame me. What if the Heir of Slytherin was anyone related to Salazar Slytherin...

So maybe there was more than one heir in the first place...

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