the innocent culprit

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Jaycee's POV

Before I could be taken to the hospital wing, the pain in my shoulder had become so severe that I'd ended up falling out of consciousness.

The next time my mind resurfaced into reality, the first thing I noticed was the intense pounding in my shoulder. Wincing in pain, I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was facing a blank wall of white. I also happened to be surrounded by a cushion of white softness...clouds?

Was this heaven?

My mind sprung into panic. I couldn't die when I was only thirteen, on my birthday! I hadn't harassed Pansy and Malfoy enough to die yet, I hadn't caused enough mischief with my brother yet, and I hadn't spent enough time with Fred yet—

"Well look who cared to join us?" With wide eyes I jolted sideways (causing an abrupt spark of pain in my shoulder) to see Fred and George Weasley, both sitting beside, what I realised, was a bed.

"Uh—where am I?" Was the first thing asked, trying not to wince at the pain in my shoulder.

"Hospital wing." George replied casually, swinging his legs off his chair.

I unfurrowed my eyebrows and beamed. "So I'm not dead?"

The twins exchanged amused glances.

"Of course not Jay." Fred laughed, and at that exact moment Madam Pomfrey came bustling over.

"Oh good, Miss Hilliker. You're awake!" She said, rushing over to me with a wobble.

I gave her a dry smile.

"You fractured your shoulder into seven parts." Madam Pomfrey explained as she began to fuss over me, and I almost choked on air.

"Seven parts?" I blurted unexpectedly, but even to talk sent a wave of pain through my nerves.

Madam Pomfrey gave me a sympathetic smile, as she poured me some sort of remedy. "Unfortunately—yes."

"What day is it?" I asked, wondering and even hoping that it was still my birthday.

Fred answered that question for me. "Oh—it's Monday evening. Sleeping Beauty was having a long rest." Fred smirked.

Usually I would have laughed, but my eyes widened at his implication. "I've been unconscious for two days?" I questioned incredously and the twins nodded at me.

"What happened anyway Miss Hilliker?—your friends informed me that it had something to do with Quidditch?" Madam Pomfrey asked.

I sighed in annoyance. "I was playing Quidditch with Malfoy—and you can imagine there were complications..." Was all I said, mostly not wanting to get deeper into the conversation because of the fact that I had somehow transferred Malfoy's shoulder injury to myself...It just made no sense. One minute he'd been groaning in the floor in pain and the next thing I knew, my shoulder was in agony. The thought of what had happened almost scared me.

Madam Pomfrey just nodded, as if she completely understood that Malfoy was an arrogant, condescending jerk.

"That git." Fred scowled, and I turned my head to face him.

"But hang on—why were you playing Quidditch with Malfoy?!" Fred asked, with a slightly irkesome tone in his voice.

I had to force myself to not feel giddish over the fact I could detect somewhat jealously in his voice and rolled my eyes. "It was a dumb competition—I didn't really want to." I implied.

"Good." Was all Fred said and I didn't even know how to respond to something like that as George wiggled his eyebrows at his twin.

Like always, I ignored the blush forming on my cheeks as I turned to face Madam Pomfrey instead.

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