what happens after curfew

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Loads of people have been requesting a Draco's POV for a while, so there is a small one in this chapter.

Also, a few people have sent me messages, and unfortunately, Watt-pad won't let me respond to them. So, I'm not ignoring y'all and I'm sorry for not replying!

Anyways, here's the chapter ;)

Jaycee's POV

I tore Narcissa's letter open and two items fell out.

The first was a letter, which I read first.

Dear Jaycee,

I know that it may seem out of the blue that I am writing to you, but I just wanted to see if you were doing okay and if you were enjoying your third year of schooling? Your father recently came over to the manor. We had a rather long discussion and he divulged to me the information that he had expressed to you at Hogsmeade. I can imagine that it's is a lot to handle, especially hearing all of that at once. At the Golden Ball, earlier this year, I told you that you would be able to come to me if you needed any help or needed to talk about anything strange that had happened to you. My offer still stands. You are not alone, no matter the circumstances...

That's all I really have to say to you for now, but attached is a picture that I think you would appreciate. Feel free to reply to this letter with a list of terrible things that Draco has done during the school year, because he tells me he is a model student, yet I refuse to believe him.

Stay safe.


Narcissa Malfoy.

I tentatively glanced down at the picture that Narcissa had attached to the letter. Two teenage girls, around sixteen or seventeen years of age, sitting in what appeared to be a living room. One was evidently Narcissa Malfoy, her dark hair and accentuated features appearing a lot younger and carefree as she laughed into the camera. The girl next to her, the spitting image of me, my mother. I'd seen quite a few pictures of her, but everytime, my heart still seemed to sink to my stomach. Perhaps it was because she physically looked so similar to me. Like Narcissa, she was also laughing at the camera, her legs crossed and arms relaxed over a thick green book that resided in her lap. The cover of the had intricate silver patterns engraved across it which instantly caught my eye.

My mother had seemed so content in this photo. Evidently, this had been photographed before she'd taken the Dark Mark and her life had changed for the worse...

I tentatively placed the letter into my bedside table drawer and put the photo into the pocket of my Slytherin skirt.


Draco's POV:

She was a freaking bitch and I despised her.

That's what I'd told myself upon exiting the third year girls dorms after discovering that Jaycee Hilliker had dance with Fred Weasley at that sodding dance practice.

Though, as soon as those thoughts had erupted into my mind, unfortunately, it was clear to me they didn't hold any actual meaning. Because, I didn't hate Hilliker, and that was something I'd stupidly admitted to her.

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