blood status & boys

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Jaycee's POV:

The rest of the week passed, being not even nearly as eventful as the first two days of the school year had been. Now, after having taken every one of my classes at Hogwarts, I had decided Potions was by far my favourite, and Professor Snape seemed to, for some reason, favour me. I had absolutely no idea why.

By the end of Friday, I was glad that it was the weekend and that I would be able to sleep in after a long week of school, but the morning did not go by my plan.

It was around 6 o'clock in the morning when Bostyn Rowle decided to wake everyone in our dormitory up as she started to get dressed. I probably would have been able to sleep through it, if it wasn't for the fact that Bella had began shrieking.

"Excusme blondie, I need my beauty sleep!" Bella shouted, pointing accusatory finger at Bostyn.

"Oh, shut up Isabella!" Astoria screamed. I was mildly shocked as I had never heard her say anything remotely nasty in my week of knowing her.

"No, you shut up—"

Before the two girls could start a pointless argument, I groaned. "What are you even doing, Bostyn?" I asked her curiously.

She grinned at me, "I'm going to go watch the Slytherin Quidditch team's first practice of the season," she beamed. "Wanna come?"

I contemplated it and shrugged. "Why not," I replied as I hopped out of bed. I was already wide awake by this point.

"Ooh I'll come too!" Astoria chirped, trying to scramble out of her bed...then failing and falling onto the floor...

After we were all dressed we began to head out of the dormitory, "Sure you don't want to come?" Astoria asked Bella who was still lying in bed, "I'll pass," she said in a muffled voice from where she was buried underneath her sheets.

I smirked over at Astoria, who rolled her eyes, "But there will be hot quidditch guys there," I said, in my best attempt at recreating her girlish voice.

Before we knew it she had scrambled out of bed and was dressed....

No one even bothered to ask if Kate Harris wanted to come, as we left her to snore on the dormitory all by herself.

"Do you think we should've left her?" Bostyn asked me as we descended out of the Slytherin common room. "I mean she's kinda my friend and I feel bad..." she stated.

I shrugged. "If it was the other way round she wouldn't have woken us up."

By the time we were outside the castle, walking the Hogwarts grounds, it was freezing. "Oh crap it's cold," Isabella whined, shivering.

"Didn't you bring a jumper?" I asked her with an eyebrow raise, peering at her small singlet top.

"Um—no, I have like no good jumpers!" She exclaimed to me. I quirked an eyebrow, distinctly remembering the morning where she had chucked about ten dozen different coloured jumpers out of her wardrobe because she couldn't decide what to wear...

"Right..." I said wearily.

"I wish I could try out for the team," Bostyn remarked to the three of us as we trekked towards the Quidditch Pitch.

"Why don't you then?" I asked her curiously.

She sighed, "Because first years aren't allowed to play on the team."

I frowned, "That's a really stupid rule. Is there some way to change it?" I asked, thinking it was completely unfair.

Bostyn shrugged, "I dunno, I can wait one year's fine..."

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