not that kind of girl

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Jaycee's POV

The next two weeks passed by in a blur. I'd had no success with my Patronus, and was growing extremely frustrated with myself. The fact that I would faint every time I attempted, waking up drenched in sweat and shaking made everything so much worse...

Quidditch Practice was going well and Flint was unusually calm. There was no petty arguing between friendship groups. Pansy, for once, hadn't been insulting me around every corner that I turned and I hadn't even spoken to Draco Malfoy once since the train back to Hogwarts.

Word had gotten out that Sirius Black had gotten into the castle again. It made no sense with all the protection, but somehow he had. Apparently he had gone into Harry's dormitory with a knife, but instead Ron had been the one targeted. Ron wouldn't stop telling anyone that came near him about the strange tale. It made it very hard to keep the secrets that I knew safe.

Anyway, for the first time in forever, Hogwarts seemed drama free...for me anyways.

Until February the fourteenth, the most hellish day of the year. Also known as Valentine's Day.

Like the previous year, Bella woke up extremely early in the morning to pamper up. She caked her face in makeup, did her hair up in fancy braids and wore knee-high heeled boots instead of our usual flat school shoes.

"Snape is going to murder you," I sung as we left the dormitory.

"Hm, do you really think I care?" She asked me.

"Knowing you, probably not." I rolled my eyes, looking up at her. With the heels, she was a substantial amount taller than me which was very strange.

This year, at breakfast, there was no crazy Lockhart in pink robes, no fancy decorations hanging from the ceilings and no dwarves running around giving everyone embarrassing Valentine's. I was incredibly grateful.

"Settle down! Settle down! You're all acting like a bunch of blithering baboons!" Mcgonogall exclaimed, once we had all entered the Transfuguration classroom.

The Slytherins had arrived late, and so had all the drama that came with them.

"Blithering baboons?" Astoria mused to me as we slid down into seats.

Mcgonogall sighed. "Calm down! Please. I am aware it's Valentine's Day, but please keep your teenage drama out of the classroom."

"Dammit. I was going to give Astoria her gift in this lesson." Dylan whispered in my ear so quietly that the blonde was oblivious to our conversation. "Suppose Mcgonogall would kill me though."

"You got her a gift?" I hissed back in shock.

Dylan nodded. I didn't get to ask him what he'd gotten her before Mcgonogall reprimanded us again. I just prayed his gift wasn't something horrible. We did not need a repeat of last year.

After a long lesson, horrible lesson of Transfiguration I walked into Potions and slumped down onto the seat next to Blaise, my books spreading everywhere. I sighed, "What a morning."

Blaise let out a derisive snort. "Been busy sending all your lovers Valentine's?"

I rolled my eyes dramatically. "I just have so many lovers, don't I?"

Blaise wiggled his eyebrows at me. "Oh, hey, here comes one of them now."

I turned my head to doorway and saw Draco Malfoy swaggering into the room, followed by his lapdog Pansy, who was cooing into his ear.

I scowled at Blaise. "I think you're confusing me for Pugsy."

"Oh, no, I'm pretty sure the way Malfoy constantly irks and threatens to kill you, really does attract you." Blaise mused.

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