already enemies

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Jaycee's POV:

"You know you belong there." The voice sang in my head. I let out an unwelcomed shiver.

Well, obviously I did. Being related to Salazar and coming from a line of straight Slytherins, going back centuries didn't give me an automatic place in the green and silver house, no, not like that was straight forward at all...

"Hm, short tempered, I see. With a hidden cynical streak. Definitely not nice enough for Hufflepuff."

I blushed slightly at that comment.

"Definitely intelligent. Perhaps, not at all times though. Ambitious. Very ambitious. Determined, but cunning..."

I held my breath, wanting to get this over and done with as quickly as possible. The fact that I could feel the eyes of almost everyone in the Great Hall on me was enough to make me finally feel somewhat jittery.

"I said it before," the hat countered. "You know where you belong. There would be no other house to put you in except..."

I held in a breath.


Before I could even comprehend what had just happened I felt Mcgonogall pull the sorting hat off my head and as I stood up from the stool in a slight daze . The the sea of silver and green began to cheer wildly.

Feeling satisfied, I gave my brother a sly smirk as he approached the stool and tried not to focus on Ginny's expression of disappointment as I sauntered over to the Slytherin Table and took a seat in between Isabella Bletchley and the girl I recognised as Astoria Greengrass. Astoria Greengrass had vibrant green eyes, blonde hair, light freckles and a smile that seemed to be permanently rested on her face.

She immediately perked up when I sat down next to her. "Hey!" She beamed, her smile almost contagious.

"Hi, I'm Jaycee." I grinned at her.

"I'm Greengrass— well I'm not Greengrass, My names Astoria— last name basis seems to be a thing here, which is really stupid—Anyways I can tell we're going to be friends so you can just call me Astoria." She babbled, then at the end of her speech she gave me a wide grin. I blinked, trying to come up with some reply to the overwhelming information she had just given me.

Luckily , I didn't have to before the sorting hat shouted "Slytherin!", and my twin brother swaggered over to the table with a wry grin.

"Sup Slytherins," Dylan smirked as he sat down on the seat across from me, right next to and another boy that looked oddly familiar.

"Do I know you?" I asked the brown haired, brown eyed boy. He grinned at me and shrugged. "I dunno, you look really familiar though. I'm Jordan Pucey."

I shrugged. "I've heard your name before, It'll come to me eventually."

I probably recognised him from a society gathering or ball. Most pureblood families had relations.

"Ginny Weasley." Mcgonogall called and I turned my attention back to the sorting where Ginny was now approaching the stool, looking particularly anxious. She met my gaze and gave me a nervous smile.

I decided to ignore the scowl a certain blond gave me when I shot my friend an encouraging thumbs up.

The hat had barely touched her head before it yelled "Gryffindor!"

Ginny beamed and ran over to the sea of red and gold where she was engulfed in hugs from her brothers.

After the sorting concluded, Dumbledore, the headmaster, said a few words. He was a very aged man with long white hair, sparkling eyes and tiny spectacles.

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