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As my lips met his, the frustration that had been subsiding in my body the entire day I was with him, the entire week, for the last few months expelled out of my veins like blazing inferno.

I let out a small gasp between our lips as his hands instantly fly to my body as though he didn't have a second to lose, pulling me closer, somehow. They run up and down my exposed waist in a deathly yet playful manner; one that matched the desperate rhythm of our lips. I gripped the side of his jaw with one hand and his fisted his hair with my other, letting its soft texture slide through my fingers. His lips tasted like peppermint and the faint remains of the strawberry milkshake he'd drank earlier.

Kissing him in particular was an entirely new sensation than all the others, and I'd forced myself to forget that for my own sanity, but all that denial went plummeting down the drain once again as our lips twisted against each other perfectly.

It lasted about a song and half.

And then he pulled his lips off of mine, face remaining inches from mine as his eyes trailed up and down my face and his lips crept into a knowing smirk at the same time mine did.

I felt my pulse increase dramatically as he grabbed arm and whisked me through the crowd, pushing past the masses of dancing people. The purple lights blinded my vision, making everything slightly hazy, yet the feeling of euphoria that had ignited within my chest was irreplaceable.

Definitely better than euphoric herb.

We reached a gap in the wall, which Draco pulled me through, realising it led to another corridor in the apartment. The music was still incredibly loudly, thrumming against our eardrums, however it was slightly drowned out. The flashing lights, however, we're as prominent as ever. Out of the crowd, I was really able to look at him. His features were as perfectly artistic as ever, and his silhouette towered over me, masked by the vibrant lighting.

He trailed me up and down with his own eyes, soaking me in as a devious smirk took over his features. He harshly grabbed my hips, rings digging into my skin as he propped me up onto one of the cabinets in the corridor, that was scattered in various objects.

He didn't hesitate to push all the items off of it with a rough swipe of his hands, letting it crash to the ground as he forcefully pushed my body onto it.

When he hooked his arm around my waist and slid me closer across the glass surface towards his towering body, I remained in the seated position. My leg caught on an object and I winced, glancing down to see a picture frame tucked under my thigh. I wearily removed it from under my leg and tried to place it besides me carefully, but Draco frustratedly snatched it out of my hand and chucked it across the room, not hesitating before letting it smash against the ground as he grabbed my neck and reunited my lips with his.

I didn't protest as our lips locked, placing one of my hands over his shirt on his chest and massaging the back of his scalp with the other.

One of his hands continued to squeeze my waist, while the other one ravaged my jaw and collarbone, before it found the back of my thigh and squeezed it tightly. My pulse increased and I abruptly moved my hand from his chest, squeezing the fabric of his shirt near his abdomen muscles.

As his other hand moved from my waist to the back of my neck, at the bottom of my scalp, I slid my hand under his shirt, pressing it against his abs. He flinched in what seemed like pain at first, and I hastily went to remove it, but before I could he roughly grabbed onto it and firmly placed it back there, before returning to his thigh.

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