facing fears

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Jaycee's POV

It was still incredibly dark when I was jolted awake by my twin brother.

"Rise and shine, bitch!" my brother implored, a cheeky grin plastered on his lips.

I groaned, rubbing my eyes thoroughly. "The fuck are you doing in my dormitory, in the middle of the night?"

He rolled his eyes exasperatedly. "Merlins, you dumbass, it's 5:30am. And we have quidditch tryouts, remember?!"

"Shit." I muttered, removing some of my bed hair that had fallen in front of my face.

It was incredibly hard to remove myself from the comfort of my sheets, though I forced myself to as I grabbed the bike shorts, sports bra and tee that I'd left on the edge of my bedside the night before. Feeling rather nervous, I changed into my sportswear, braided my hair loosely and grabbed my firebolt before heading out of my dorm.

When I retreated the room, my brother was leaning against the wall, waiting for me. Besides him, on the ground, Bostyn Rowle was doing push-ups.

I gave Dylan a quizzical glance while he just shrugged.

"What're you doing Bostyn?" I questioned skeptically, furrowing my eyebrows at the girl who was working up a sweats

"Working out to get my stamina up for the trials." she countered in between ragged breaths. Her muscles were visibly shaking.

"Nice..." I muttered wearily. I admired her for her dedication and effort, though I wasn't surprised.

Once we arrived at the Quidditch pitch, the other Slytherins that were trying out were already huddled in the middle of the large area. Dylan and I wearily approached the pack. I could tell that my brother was even more anxious than I was.

I recognised a lot of people as we approached. Most of them were older, meaning they probably had more experience in Quidditch. That was slightly disheartening.

There were also quite a few third years present; Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott and to my utter distaste, Draco Malfoy. He wasn't wearing his quidditch gear and his 'injured' arm was concealed by a sling. I'd heard rumours over the past few days that he was suffering intently and on the 'brink of death' after his Hippogriff encounter. These speculation were clearly false because the platinum blonde seemed perfectly fine, his usual cocky aura radiating off of him.

"You're late, Hilliker and...Hilliker." Flint barked at us very uncharacteristically upon noticing our arrival.

"It's 6:02. Calm down." I retorted with an exaggeration eye roll.

"And regardless...I don't wake up looking this spiffy you know." Dylan countered, motioning to the expensive sports gear that he was dressed in.

I bit my lip, wondering if I should've let him known that he'd put his shirt on inside out. I decided I would let him live in his state of ignorant cockiness a little longer...

Flint was on the verge of barking something at my irritable brother, though before he was able to, Bletchley stepped in front of him. "Don't mind Flint, he's a little on edge today."

"Mm, I noticed." I interjected, raising my eyebrows skeptically.

I felt a tug on my arm and turned my head to see that Isabella Bletchley was standing besides me, in a mini skirt and tank top. "The boys here are so freaking sexy." she gushed to me in a hushed tone.

I furrowed my eyebrows in bewilderment. "You're...trying out?"

Bella snorted uncharacteristically, flipping her hair back. "Merlins, Jaycee. You should know that I'd never be caught dead on a broomstick. I just came to watch the Quidditch boys."

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