family secrets

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Jaycee's POV

Being back home at my manor, with my father and twin brother was amazing and was a huge change from being at Hogwarts where there was drama around every corner. I wouldn't exactly call the Hilliker Manor a "relaxing" place though: Most of the time Dylan and I were running around the house, entertaining ourselves...

Even though my father spent a lot of time working, Dylan and I still got to spend time with him, which was great. I'd missed him so much during the school year and the minute we'd got home Dylan and I had sat down with him and basically recounted every moment of the Hogwarts year from beginning to end...

Although I may have left out a few the fact that I punched a ministry worker's kid in the face...or basically given myself a death sentence by casually going into the Chamber of Secrets...

Anyway, when we weren't creating mischief, Dylan and I were hanging outside the manor, either playing Quidditch or going on adventures in the nearby forest.

I'd been writing to my friends a lot, and had already received multiple letters from Astoria, Ginny, Bella, Blaise and Fred, who all seemed to be doing great.

One morning, about a week into the holidays, I ran down to the kitchen for breakfast, with a huge smile plastered on my face. My father eyed me with raised eyebrows as sat down next to my twin brother, who was chomping on a large stack of delicious looking pancakes.

"Morning." I greeted, in a chirpy voice, as I took a large bite out of my toast.

My father raised his eyebrows at me. "Why so bubbly this morning?" He questioned dubiously.

I shrugged as my brother smirked, while swallowing. Wiping some honey off his mouth, he arched his eyebrows at me "Has it got anything to do with the fact that your boyfriends in the prophet?" He asked, shoving the prophet in front of my face.

Confused, I frowned at him. But when I looked down and read the front page of the paper, my grin seemed to broaden even more...

Arthur Weasley, Head of the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office at the Ministry of Magic, has won the annual Daily Prophet Grand Prize Galleon Draw.
A delighted Mr Weasley told the Daily Prophet, "We will be spending the gold on a summer holiday in Egypt, where our eldest son, Bill, works as a curse breaker for Gringotts Wizarding Bank."
The Weasley family will be spending a month in Egypt, returning for the start of the new year at Hogwarts, which five of the Weasley children currently attend.

Underneath the writing was a photo of all the Weasleys, standing in front of some extravagant Egyptian pyramids. Every single one of them was waving and smiling brightly.

I smiled to myself. I knew the Weasleys' had always dealt with money issues...

"Boyfriend...already?" My father mused, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I looked up at my father, who was wiggling his eyebrows at me jokingly.

"No." I blurted, at the same time Dylan snorted "Yes." We both turned to look at eachother, glaring at eachother with challenging eyes.

My father chuckled. "I guess school hasn't matured you at all then...I could only hope..." he jested.

"I'll have you know, I am very mature." Dylan joked, puffing out his chest.

"Yeah, sure." I rolled my eyes and punched him in the stomach playfully, causing him to whine and complain like a five year old.

My father just shook his head at the two of us. "I'm working home today, so I'll be in my office. Need anything and I'll be up there..." he said, standing up from the breakfast table.

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