chocolate & soul suckers

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Jaycee's POV

"Jaycee Aurelia Hilliker, get you slow arse down here right now, we want to leave!"

"Alright, Alright!" I called to my brother in response as scrambled around my bedroom, grabbing all my loose belongings along the way and hastily placing them into my luggage case. Last minute packing had been a terrible idea.

I heard my father reprimanding my brother for his foul language from the living room as I finally clamped my trunk shut and shook my head as I made my way down the hallway.

Being so petite, it took me quite a lot of effort to heave the luggage case along with my new broomstick down the grand staircase. The sensible thing to do would've been to call for a house elf for assistance. But I had far too much pride for that and didn't want my brother to deem me as a 'weak girl'.

When I finally entered the main living room, I practically dropped my belongings to the ground, relief flooding through the nerves in my limbs as I glanced up at my father and incredibly impatient twin brother.

"Took you long enough." My brother implored with an exaggerated eye roll.

I scoffed jokingly, raising my eyebrows in disbelief. "You only finished packing minutes before me."

"But I still finished first." He concluded with a triumphant aura radiating off of him.

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes as my father began speaking. "Enough bickering. We're already running late, so we're going to have to apparate again." he explained, causing Dylan and I to emit large groans.

Nevertheless, we both grabbed onto our fathers arm, our luggage in our free hands. We arrived at Kings Cross within a matter of dizzying moments and just like the previous year, it was buzzing with excited students and apprehensive parents.

"You're going into your second year now. Your behaviour needs to improve." My father implored sternly, eyeing Dylan and I with furrowed eyebrows. "No joking around, I mean it."

Dylan and I exchanged knowing glanced and I allowed my lips to curl into a cheeky grin. "Oh, we would never be so immature."

My father eyed the two of us wearily, his eyes feigning content as he shook his head slowly. "And remember, you need to be intelligent to be successful. Get good grades and study hard."

Dylan emitted a large snort at that comment. "Don't even stress father, we are geniuses."

As the train began to steam, my father let out a large sigh. "It's been great having you two back for the Summer. I truly will miss you, even if you are incompetent brats, sometimes."

I let out a light chuckle while my brother scowled in offence. "You mentioned that we could come home for Christmas Break this year?" I implored hopefully.

"That should be doable." My father stated, nodding his head with a faint grin.

"Shit Jay, we gotta go." Dylan interjected in panic, hastily picking up his luggage from the ground and hurrying over to the train that was now moving.

I followed suit, hauling my luggage behind me as quickly as I was able to, manoeuvring my way through the entrance of one of the carriages just in time before the train ascended to a speed that would've made it impossible.

Dylan was glancing and me with a playful smirk as I let out a sigh of relief, trying to calm my panicked heart beat. "I have to admit, it would've been hilarious if you were left behind."

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