morons & mistletoe

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Jaycee's POV

The next few days whizzed by, consisting of playing outside in the newly welcomed snow, decorating the house with Christmas Ornaments' and drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows by the fire. There was no petty drama with any of the Slytherins going around. No exams or homework to worry about. No Flint barking at us at endless Quidditch practices.

And best of sight of Pansy Parkinson or Draco Malfoy.

Quite frankly, life was perfect. I woke up on Christmas Morning in a great mood. Humming 'jingle bells', I was just slipping on my uggboots when I heard Dylan's incessant yelling from downstairs.

"Jay, get your ass down here!"

Grinning, I ran out of my room in my pyjamas, sliding down the railing of the staircase before I reached the living room and skipped over to where my father and brother were sitting by the humungous Christmas tree.

"Wow, you didn't start opening the gifts without me this time. I'm shocked." I countered to my twin, recalling back to our younger years where Dylan had ripped open all his gifts before I had even gotten out of bed.

"Pfft, I'm not a baby anymore." He laughed whilst shaking his head. "I've matured."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night..." I replied skeptically.

Dylan relented a sigh. "Okay, okay, it took a lot of effort. But let's just open the gifts' now." He retorted, grabbing the nearest package from under the tree and savagely ripping the wrapping off.

I laughed at his child-like attitude before sliding onto the floor next to and grabbing the nearest parcel with my name on it.

We gladly spent the rest of the morning opening our new gifts. There had to be hundreds of presents' surrounding the tree and by the time we had finished opening all our gifts, Dylan and I were basically swimming in a sea of ripped and torn wrapping paper. I'd gotten candy, gadgets, joke products and endless amounts of chocolate from my friends and of course our father had spoilt me with tons and tons of clothes and Quidditch supplies.

Our father's cousin, who lived in France with our Aunt and second cousins were on a vacation in England for the Christmas Holidays'. Of course, my father had invited them over for our Christmas Lunch.

"Ahh Theodore, how nice it it to see you."  Appoline Delcaour greeted in her heavy accent, as she waltzed into the manor, followed by our gruff uncle.

"Appoline, Gregory." My father greeted, and the three adults immediately began conversing.

We hadn't seen the Delacour's since we were young children, where we had hung out all the time, so it was very strange when a sixteen year old Fluer walked into the room, followed by her younger sister Gabrielle, who was still very small and the most adorable kid I had ever seen.

The Delacour's were gorgeous, each of them beholding long, silky, silvery-blonde hair, large dark-blue eyes, long legs and stunning features. The Delacour's were famous for holding Veela heritage in their family, so their beauty was not surprising.

After we had all politely greeted eachother and made small talk, my father spoke.

"Jaycee, Dylan, how about you take the lovely girls' for a tour around the manor. Lunch shouldn't be ready for a while."

We both nodded, beckoning for Fluer and Gabrielle to follow us as we walked through the manor.

"How is Beauxbatons?" I asked Fluer, as we trekked up a staircase. Beauxbatons Academy Of Magic was similar to Hogwarts and was a school where you learnt the art of Witchcraft and Wizardry, except it was said to be located somewhere in France and from what I'd heard was a lot more proper and posh.

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