a blessing and a curse

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tw: smoking (just incase)

I'm thinking of altering the entire story so that the characters are a year older than they would be in the harry potter books? Thoughts?


Following the disaster of a dinner party at the Malfoy Manor, Narcissa had found me having a pity party in the bathroom and had led me up to one of the guest rooms where all of my belongings had already been placed.

I'd managed to have a surprisingly good amount of sleep that night and had woken up feeling rather rested. I'd tried to get my brother to have a decent conversation with me or at least indulge me on the status of him and Astoria for about an hour before I eventually gave up on trying to help him. I presumed he desired space, so that's what I gave him.

I spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon mindlessly walking around the Malfoy Manor trying to establish my surroundings.

It's when I was turning a sharp corner that I almost ran into him.

I gasped as we almost crashed into each other, managing to step aside just in time before our bodies collided.

His head was turned to the side but after upon feeling my presence, he whipped his to face me, eyes widening lightly and eyebrows furrowing in alert.

Unsure of what to do or say considering the events of the previous night, I simply took his presence in, trailing my eyes over his form. He was dressed in quidditch gear that was far less daggy than the Hogwarts uniforms and he gripped a Fire-bolt tightly in his right hand. Something seemed slightly off.

He furrowed his eyebrows at me, glancing me up and down, before sighing lightly and reaching up to tug through his bleach blonde hair. "Hey." he said in a casual tone, laced with a streak of tiredness.

I blinked a few times before responding, using one hand to play with the necklace around my neck as I questioned why he wasn't furious with me. "Hi..." I trailed off, tentatively glancing down at the object in his hands and nudging towards it with my head. "New broom?"

He frowned lightly, then gave his head a faint nod as he loosened his grip on the broom. "Yeah," he exhaled. "Birthday gift from my..." he trailed off for a moment, seemingly lost in thought as he absentmindedly stared at the wall, "my father."

"Did he..." I opened my mouth and then closed it again, unsure of how to voice the thoughts in my head. "Are you...all good...?"

He snapped his head back to me, narrowing his eyes lightly. "Why wouldn't I be?" At that, he decided to start walking down the corridor again. I would've turned away from him, but judging by the slow pace he was travelling, he was waiting for me to question him further.

It only took a few quick strides to catch up with him before I was right at his tail. I slowed my pace down again before speaking the words that were lingering on my tongue. "I guess I was just wondering how much trouble you're in. I mean, considering I wrote that letter with the sole intention of ruining your life—"

"It's fine." he interrupted with an agitated sigh, shaking his head as he continued down the corridors of his home, keeping his head set firmly forwards. I still couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, but I couldn't quite put finger on it.

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