the right words can kill

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Dear readers,
Please don't hate me for this...


Jaycee's POV

Adrenalin coursed through my veins as I stormed into the Great Hall.

Entering the space where the entire body of Hogwarts was seated directly after what was apparently the Hilliker's 'darkest secret' being exposed was parallel to walking into a lions den.

But I didn't give a shit.

I ignored the strange stares, hushed whispers and name-calling as I stalked right over to the Slytherin table.

Draco Malfoy's platinum blonde head was easily spotted from a mile away. I kept my vision trained on him as I approached. He was apparently amused, seeming laughing about something, until his eyes slid to mine and his face fell.

The eye contact lasted a few moments before he abruptly looked back down at his plate and resumed picking at his meal.

I quickened my pace until I was standing directly behind him and the moron had the audacity to pretend I wasn't even there.

The other Slytherins were all glancing at me wearily, though my attention was not currently drawn to them.

"Get up." I commanded to Malfoy in a cold tone.

Malfoy's head swivelled and his eyes met mine for a moment before he turned back around. "Can't you see I'm in the middle of a meal?" he replied.

I gritted my teeth. "Fucking get off of your ass before I hex the shit out of you."

Rolling his eyes, he immaturely placed down his knife and fork and stood up across from me. "What do you want, Hilliker?"

He was looking anywhere but directly at my face. And that was a sign of the fact I so badly didn't want to be true.

"Look at me." I demanded in irritation as impending doom tore at my gut.

Letting out a sigh, he tilted his head downwards so that his eyes were on mine. They were as cold as ice, no glint of emotion within them that might give some sort of emotion away.

But no. His grey irises were expressionless.

"Please tell me you didn't." I implored, my coldness partially evaporating as desperation seeped through the cracks of my voice.

His lips parted. He blinked. He didn't reply. But then, there was a sense of knowing that encapsulated his expression and it became clear to me he knew exactly what I was referring to.

My heart sunk at the bitter confirmation .

"You did."

There wasn't time for him to deny my accusation before I felt myself being pushed out of the way roughly and then witnessed male's fist being thrown directly at Draco Malfoy's face.

There were screams and gasps.

Astoria grabbed my arm to rebalance me and it took me a while to regain composure before I processed who'd just thrown the punch.

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