bitter thing about betrayal

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Hey guys, new chapter!! (well no shit)

But I just wanted to say, if you saw me accidentally post this chapter unedited and all over the place a few hours ago...No you didn't. I'm so embarrassed omg.

Here's the actual chapter. :)

Remember to vote and comment!!


Jaycee's POV

I peered down at the strange clump of tea leaves that appeared in my tea cup.

Curiously, I placed the tea cup back down onto my desk and opened my book up to my Tessomancy Chart, ignoring the sound of Professor Trewalney's babbling over the other side of the classroom. I traced my fingers along the parchment searching for a symbol that correlated with the clump of tea leaves that resided in my tea cup.

A lantern.

With a single word scribbled under the illustration.

"Betrayal." Astoria read from besides me, peering over my shoulder at my tea cup.


I furrowed my eyebrows as I tentatively picked up the tea cup again and observed the lantern closely. "That's rather vague..."

Luna peered over at my cup from my other side. "Perhaps it means that you're going to betray somebody..." she pondered.

"Or that somebody is going to betray you..." Astoria spoke darkly.

I blinked a few times, then laughed in a way that combined sarcasm and nervousness. "Terrific. I'm not sure which ones worse."

Astoria snorted and took the tea cup out of my hands, placing it back on the table. "I wouldn't listen to this bollocks if I were you. What do a bunch of soggy tea leaves know? You've already been told that you're cursed with Dark Magic and that's clearly not true..." she implored, attempting to console me.

"Right..." I trailed off wearily.

If only she knew...

"Out of curiosity, were you planning on betraying anybody?" Luna asked in a dreamy tone.

I glanced at her in surprise. "That's your first assumption? Do you really think I'm that bad of a person, Luna?"

She shrugged. "You're a Slytherin..." she began.

I gritted my teeth and took a deep breath as she trailed off, her expression drooping. "Please don't take it the wrong way. It's just that Slytherins are known for doing anything in order to get their own way. That was Salazars defining trait."

I sighed. "I suppose you're right. But regardless, I'm not planning on betraying anybody."

"Then, perhaps you should watch your own back..." Luna interjected in her usual dreamy tone.

"After all, the bitter thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies..."

After a slightly stressful Divination lesson, I was relieved to have a free period. Third years didn't usually get free periods, but since I was accelerated in potions, it meant that my timetable was shifted to suit my schedule.

Two weeks had passed since the Yule Ball. Unfortunately, the Winter Break was over and classes had begun again. After Christmas, I'd spent an increasing amount of time reading the book I'd stolen from the restricted section. The book was full of grotesque topics and information about countless variations of Dark Magic. To be honest it was rather traumatising to endure reading. However, I knew I was meant to read this book. It was no coincidence the book that had appeared in the photograph of my mother had also been in the one row of the restricted section that Malfoy and I had unknowingly walked into.

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