The battle (Jared Kleinman x reader)

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A/N: I know I just said I'm taking a small break from writing but I found this one-shot I had already written so I just decided to publish it for you guys since Idk how long my little break will last. And to the people who have requested one-shots, It may take a little longer than I originally planned to get them written since I'm taking a small mental health break. Okay love you all and enjoy this!

Requested: No

Word Count: 2226

Warnings: mild cursing, and sexual innuendos because c'mon it's Jared.

I don't know How many times he wants me to say I'm sorry. It wasn't my fault and he knows it. He's just looking for someone to blame, and I happened to be there when it happened. I told him to wear oven mitts when taking the mac and cheese out of the oven but he didn't want to listen to me. And now Jared and I are stuck with mac and cheese all over the kitchen floor, and a Jared with burnt hands and a glare on his face. He stared at me angrily.

"I'm sorry babe..." I mumbled quietly pressing the ice pack on his palms he winced.

"gently " He demanded softly, ignoring my apology.

"Sorry I'll be careful" I answered, getting up to grab some gauze to wrap his hands in. I grabbed his right wrist and started wrapping his hand.

"Ouch, I said gentle" Jared said angrily.

"I'm trying" I replied, clenching my jaw and continuing to wrap his hand. I watched my dog creep into Jared's kitchen to lick up the food on the floor. A whole pound of mac and cheese wasted. "Hey (dog Name) out the kitchen," I told my dog sternly, and they scurried out the kitchen. "Good dog" I finished, and grabbed Jared's other hand, and started wrapping it slowly.

"For the last time, I said be careful!" Jared hissed angrily at me for some reason.

"Oh shut up and deal with it!" I snapped "we wouldn't even be doing this if you had just listened to me instead of being a stubborn little bitch!" I continued quickly finishing with his hand "and who had to clean up your mess? ME! That's who!" I threw an ice pack at him and stomped into the kitchen to call for a pizza since our mac and cheese was ruined.

"I'm sorry I ruined dinner," Jared said meekly walking into the kitchen. I only huffed in response. "Is there anything I can do?" He asked, wanting to get back on my good side. I glared up at him from my spot on the floor where I was cleaning up the spilled mac and cheese.

"Just pay for the pizza when it gets here" I growled, throwing handfuls of ruined mac and cheese into the trash can. Wanting so badly to throw a handful at my boyfriend.

"O-oh okay" He replied quietly leaving the kitchen. I mumbled angrily to myself as he left, upset with how stupid he was. Once I finally got the kitchen all cleaned up I mopped the floor with my Swiffer, as Jared walked back in the kitchen with the pizza held daintily in his injured hands. "I got the pizza" he murmured putting it on the table.

"Good," I said abruptly, handing him a paper plate, before grabbing a slice of pizza and heading to the living room. I turned on Netflix and hit play on one of the shows I've been binging. Jared entered the room and awkwardly sat on the opposite end of the couch with his own piece of pizza. I finished my slice after a few minutes and put my empty paper plate on the coffee table in front of me. I cuddled into the couch and I watched my show. 10 minutes into the episode I snuck a glance at Jared who was stiffly sitting watching the tv. He twiddled his thumbs without having them touch each other since the skin was still tender. I huffed and crawled over to his side of the couch laying myself across his lap. I kept my eyes on the tv still angry at him but significantly less so now that I had some food. He shifted relaxing so he wasn't sitting so stiffly and I had to hold back a happy smile when he gently started to run his hands through my hair. After about 5 more minutes of silence, he spoke up.

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