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Hello, my lovelies! I'm posting on Tumblr now :D. I decided to post my one-shots both here and on Tumblr in an effort to expand my reach and also boost engagement! My Tumblr username is and if y'all have Tumbl I'd appreciate your follow! I'm pretty active on there, posting random thoughts and reblogs of fandoms I'm in, and also posting updates on when I'll be posting new fics. I'm still pretty new on here so it's a slow start, but any support from y'all on here helps and is appreciated! I'll be uploading some new fics very soon. I know I already posted this as an announcement on my profile, but not all of you who read my story, follow me so I'm posting here as well. Y'all are loved, and Happy reading!

Multifandom x reader one-shots [REQUESTS ARE CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now