Show off (Pietro Maximoff x F reader)

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A/N: just letting you know now this is TrAsH!!

Word count: 1600

I hate exercising, I hate running, hate lifting weights, hate all of that. So I have no clue what the hell I was doing in central park at five in the morning, In jogging clothes, walking and jogging around the park. I had officially lost my mind, I wouldn't be caught dead exercising, but here I am. I think it was mainly to clear my mind from the nightmares I had that night. I had woken up no less than an hour ago in a cold sweat, screaming to no one in the darkness. I couldn't stop having nightmares about my parents' deaths, but how could I, because A. that's the event that killed my parents, and B. the whole situation is what turned me into this monster, a normal person who could do abnormal things. And not to brag but I'm pretty damn good at it. I have various abilities, telekinesis, invisibility, controlling the elements, stuff like that.

You see my parents signed us all up for this new 'Medical treatment' thing that was supposed to 'enhance your immune system' and 'speed up our body's natural healing' at least that's what they told us when they put us in the containers, that would inject our bloodstream with various chemicals, and use different levels of radiation to make the chemicals react with something in our bodies. As you could guess my parents didn't survive the first wave of chemicals and radiation and were killed in the containers, I on the other hand, by some holy miracle, survived every wave of the five different chemicals and various levels of radiation, which led me to become what I am today, abnormal, magic, weird, whatever you want to call me. But anyway enough about that, it's back to my jogging session we go.

I was walking at a pretty normal speed, you know not too fast and not to slow, when a blue streak of light raced past me, blowing wind, and other stuff in my direction, tripping over my feet, I fell on the floor clumsily.

"ouch" I groaned sitting up rubbing my head, as I looked around for the source of the blue streak. Seeing nothing I slowly got up before the blue streak raced past again, causing me to fall down again. Looking up I saw the blue streak making a u-turn to come back towards me. I watched it race towards me and I closed my eyes and braced for the sure to come impact when it stopped right in front of me. The dust settled and I saw the most handsome man I had ever seen in my LIFE.

"You didn't see that coming?" He said with a smirk and a chuckle. Offering me his hand to help me up.

"No, I didn't" I replied getting up by myself and brushing off my jogging clothes. As he watched me with a smile on his face.

The smile disappeared from his face, and his mouth opened slightly, "Oh I'm so sorry" He said genuinely looking at his feet shyly, he brought the hand not held out to me up to rub the back of his neck. "u-uh, I-i'm P-Pietro" He stuttered, his face flushed red, "M-Maximoff" He finished, as his face turned to a light shade of pink.

"(y/n)" I replied a little on edge with the handsome stranger in front of me. "(l/n)" I finished

"Thanks, I now have a beautiful name to go with that pretty face of yours," He said regaining his original smirk and swagger.

"Alright cut the sweet talk" I replied with a chuckle, noticing he had an accent (that was to die for, *insert me swooning here *), I finished dusting myself off and looked back up at him, damn he was cute, no scratch that he was just downright hot. "So tell me Maximoff, what do you think you're doing knocking down an innocent little jogger like me?" I continued batting my eyelashes over dramatically. And putting a hand on my hip.

"innocent" he scoffed, "surely someone as beautiful as you could not be innocent, I already know a crime you've committed," He said with mock seriousness

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