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Wow I've been gone for a fat minute but hello my lovely readers I'm back from my hiatus (for now), I've gotten better mental health-wise, and have been writing random short stories to pass the time and get my creative juices flowing, (one of them made 7 people cry) lowkey thinking about publishing it... But anyway I just wanted to thank you for the 9k reads you guys are fricken insane and I love every single one of you. I also wanted to thank you for your continued support and all the comments you left on my one-shots while I was gone. I'm back and so ready to continue writing for you guys. Okay, new one-shots coming soon! Also if you requested a one-shot before my hiatus pls dm me a reminder of what it was so I can get started on all the requests thank you!!!!

Multifandom x reader one-shots [REQUESTS ARE CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now