Icy encounter (Kristoff x F reader)

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Summary: reader owns a flower shop in the middle of arendelles town square, one day she meets Kristoff and Sven who are in town with an ice delivery. 

Word count: 7049

Warnings: Sleigh crash, other than that pure fluff.

A/n: I may have not written Kristoff's characters completely accurately, but I wanted to lean more into Frozen 2 Kristoff's personality where he's just a Lil guy whos all nervous and blushy and stuff, and not his frozen 1 personality where he's really off-putting to the people he meets for the first time. I'll def write that Kristoff personality in the future tho cause much love for my boy. This also didn't turn out exactly the way that I'd planned it, but I like how it turned out for the most part. I might go back and edit it in the future but it's alright for now. Anyway as usual all likes, follows, votes, and comments are appreciated.


I huffed pulling the rope that opens the window to my small flower stand in the middle of Arendelles plaza. Clipping the rope to the window frame when I got the window open I propped the door open and started unpacking the flowers I was going to sell that day. Arranging them in gorgeous bouquets and placing them in the buckets of water out front. Putting the leftover flowers in buckets so people could make their own bouquets, more personalized for their loved ones. I hummed a little tune as I set everything up. Giving a glance up to the sky, it was a clear day, perfect for selling. The warm air and sunny skies would drive people to the plaza stalls for merchants to sell their wares. I liked to get to my stall earlier than most of the other merchants just so I can get set up well before the market time rush. I tied bows onto a couple more bouquets before putting them on the shelves. I took a step back from my stand and smiled, perfect, as usual. I looked around the market square to see other merchants setting up their stands. I walked past their stalls looking at what was for sale, to see what I could get my hands on before the afternoon rush, making small talk with the merchants I knew. 

"good morning holly" I waved passing by her bakery stand, as she placed a fresh pie next to her money box. 

"good morning (y/n)!" She smiled waving me over. I backtracked my steps and walked up to her stall window. She wiped her hands on her apron quickly and disappeared to her cart before reappearing with a couple of blueberry muffins, which she placed in a bag for me. 

"Oh thank you holly" my face lit up as she gave me the bag, "I did forget to eat breakfast this morning, so I really appreciate these" I pulled one out of the bag and took a bite.

"I figured you forgot to eat this morning" She laughed, "always up so early but you never take care of yourself" 

"I know! I'm terribleee" I chittered spinning around, "these are delicious Holly thank you!!! Come by my flower stand and I'll give you a nice bouquet on the house!" I said over my shoulder as I walked away from her stall. 

"Sounds good!" she yells back. I kept walking past the other stalls until I got to the docks at the end of the market square. Looking down I saw Harold one of the best fishermen in Arendelle, pulling his catch out of his boat and onto the dock. 

"good morning Harold" I skipped over to his boat happily, and he looked up at me, his frown turning into a wide smile. 

"Oh hello (y/n)!" His toothy grin spread across his face. 

"need some help?" I asked and he nodded. At his nod, I walked down to his level and helped him carry his bag of fish up to his stall. 

"wheres your usual help?" I asked him watching him cut the net and pull a fish out. 

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