Happy haunts (Rich x reader, Be more chill)

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An: Did I stay up all night on Friday writing this just so I could post this on Halloween only to not post it on Halloween... yes yes I did... it's fine though... (it's really not but whatever) anyway enjoy this one it's uh... something else but y'know how it be... Also did I spell Rich's last name different ways throughout this because I don't know how to spell it correctly... yes yes I did...

Warnings: just Rich being a kinky boy so.. be prepared for that... a lot of cursing... probably cringe but whatever it's fine

Requested: no I just wanted kinky boy Rich content so yeah

Sentence starter that inspired this: "oh please you love hearing me scream" "only when you're screaming my name"

Word count: 4102 (excluding authors notes)

I had been head over heels in love with my best friend for 3 years now. Rich Goranski. Rich and I grew up together since we've lived next door to each other for practically our entire lives. Our families became so close the two of us practically lived at each other's houses. In fact I had spare clothes kept in Rich's closet. Daily movie nights were a frequent occurrence and a tradition we carried on to this day. We were always joined at the hip in elementary school, one of us almost never being seen without the other. But as we grew up, I became friends with the popular kids in middle school and Rich didn't. We were still best friends of course, I just branched out and became friends with basically everyone and Rich didn't. He told me he didn't like branching out because he didn't want people to make fun of his lisp. Personally I had always loved his lisp and thought it was adorable, but he hated it. I tried to get him to come sit with me when we got to freshman year but he pushed me away. I was a little hurt but couldn't dwell on it when Chloe and Brooke were constantly bugging me to hang out with them. So that's where I went for lunch, and with their help boys were soon practically crawling over each other trying to ask me out. I of course had no interest in any of them, because my eyes were solely fixed on my lifelong best friend. But I pretended to flirt with every guy because it was nice feeling like I was wanted, and yet unattainable. It always made Chloe and Brooke  so mad whenever I rejected a guy because they never knew who I actually liked since I flirted with everyone. At this point Rich and I still hung out every day at home but he never wanted to talk to me at school. Something I never understood since he always wanted to be popular, and I essentially was popular. Sophomore year however Rich changed, over the course of the summer he became popular, I was happy for him of course but I was confused. He came over everyday during summer as usual and one day his lisp just disappeared. I didn't mention it though in case it upset him in some way. It was that same day when I first noticed him hanging out with Jake Dilinger (who tried to ask me out 3 times). I had gone to the mall with Brooke and Chloe. Brooke had spotted Jake from a mile away and quickly pointed him out to Chloe (who had the biggest crush on him).  I looked as Chloe asked me who Jake was hanging out with since I knew everyone. I turned my attention to where Brooke had pointed and saw Rich walking with Jake joking and Laughing like they'd known each other their entire lives.

"Rich, Gorinski" I replied to Chloe's question, "he's my neighbor, and my best friend" I replied with a slight smile. Brooke turned to me incredulously

"I thought we were your best friends" She said putting her hand on her jutted  hip.

"I can have more than two Best friends Brooke'' I replied and she laughed, Chloe shushed us and pushed me forward motioning for me to walk towards Jake and Rich. I walked up to the boys waving.

"Hey boys!" I said switching on the instinctual charm and throwing them both a flirtatious smile. I watch Rich pause for a second before smiling and flirting back.

"Looking good today (y/n)" He threw back with a wink, I smiled.

"Thanks Rich" I giggled, Brooke stood by awkwardly as Chloe so obviously flirted with Jake and he even more obviously flirted back. I looked at Brooke giving her a side eye before commenting. "Hey Jake why don't you just fuck her already" I laughed innocently.

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