Spoiler alert (peter parker x reader soulmate Au)

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A/N: This is going to be a very very short one, just because I'm working on some semi-long ones so this one is just to give ya some fluff to enjoy before I throw some more angst at you.

Word count: 3,411

Closing my book with a long sigh I glanced down at my wrist, and read the words 'Man I can't believe Dumbledore died' on my left wrist. Groaning, I fell back onto my bed, thinking about those words, and the book series I had just started reading. I had just started reading the first Harry potter book and I just found out there was a character named Dumbledore. Grabbing the nearest pillow I screamed into it, slowly letting my frustration leave my body. I couldn't believe an entire book series was just spoiled for me because of one stupid sentence! Ooh when I met my soulmate I was gonna give him an earful. But I was still going to read the series of course, wouldn't want to waste reading a perfectly good book series. Especially because another Harry potter movie was going to be released In theaters in a few more weeks. I had around 4 more weeks to read the whole series. Although I could handle that, I wasn't too excited about reading a book that had already been spoiled. But I would cope with it, if it meant being able to finish the series before watching the movie. So here I sat in my room for the past two hours wondering who my soulmate was and how much I despised them for ruining the book series before I had even read it. Sighing again I re opened my book and continued reading where i had left off. When Harry was about to board the train to Hogwarts.

-Time skip to a few weeks brought to you by Hermione Granger the brightest witch of her age-

A few weeks had past since I had started to read and finished reading the series and I was super excited to watch the newest movie coming out. I was going to go see the movie with one of my best friends in the whole world (b/f/n)(best friend name). She was about as big of a nerd about the series as I was. Over the course of about 3 weeks I had become such an extreme nerd about the series it was INSANE!!! I was still a little bit salty, my stupid soulmate had to go and spoil the whole thing with one sentence written on my arm for all eternity, but I coped with it, after all there was only one more week until the movie hit the theater's!!

-1 week later-

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" I screamed after realizing what day it was. I woke my best friend up, as we had had a sleepover the night before, so we could go to the earliest showing of the movie, on the day it was released. She sat up quickly hearing my scream.

"WOAH WOAH WOAH!! WHAT HAPPENED!??!?" She screeched thinking I was getting murdered or something.

"IT'S TODAY!!!!!" I screamed my reply "WE HAVE WAITED WEEKS AND MONTHS AND YEARS FOR THIS AND ITS FINALLY HERE" I continued screaming, not caring how much I exaggerated how long we had to wait.

(b/f/n)'s eyes widened as what I had just said sunk in, before she started screaming along with me "AAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAH" We screamed and screeched in unison "its here its here its finally here!" We shouted as we danced around in circles.

"WHATS WRONG WHATS HAPPENING WHO'S GETTING MURDERED!!!!" My mom screamed bursting into my room, holding a baseball bat.

"IT'S FINALLY HERE!" (b/f/n) and I screamed running up to her and spinning around her as she groaned.

"Oh dear lord, it's 8 in the morning you never wake up this energized on a school day!" She answered our joyous shouts groggily. "I need coffee" She muttered dropping the baseball bat and sluggishly exiting my room to get herself some coffee. (B/f/n) and I danced around the room, and jumped up and down cause premiere day was finally here. We ran out my room giggling like crazy, our giggles were met with another groan from my mother who was currently leaning against the counter practically chugging down her cup of coffee. (b/f/n) and I danced around her one more time before running off to fangirl/boy about the series. We quickly got dressed after about 2 hours of gushing over the new movie and the series, and went to eat the breakfast my mom had made for us. (b/f/n) and I had saved, and pooled together our money ever since the trailer for the movie was released, and we had bought tickets for the midnight premier in theaters as soon as we had enough money. So we wanted to go shopping for a new outfit to wear to the midnight premier. so we inhaled our breakfast, and walked to the mall like two blocks from my house.

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