Letters to the dead (Ben x reader)

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A/n: Not requested its just based on my awkward habit to write letters to dead relatives. (Don't judge me its cheaper than grief counseling, and it works way better) Also I know I promised this to you like 2 days ago or whatever but hey better late than never.

Word Count: 2685

Dear Ben,

I miss you...

I put down my pencil and sighed, holding my head in my hands. I sighed tugging on my hair in frustration. Why him, why did he have to go! It could have been anyone else but no it was Ben, my Ben, my best friend since I met him while he was sneaking out with his siblings to go to a crappy diner a block from my house. And who later became my fiance... He died a few months after he asked me to marry him. And yet I still remember the night we met so vividly.


It was midnight, and as usual, I couldn't sleep, my thoughts were too active and kept darting all over the place. My parents were out at a party, and even though I was only 10 they trusted me enough to let me stay home alone. I had already eaten dinner that night since my parents had told me to order a pizza for myself. I'm So I was supposed to be asleep by now, however as I've previously stated I was unable to, well anyway. There I was sitting in the bed doing the only thing I did when I couldn't fall asleep, reading (favorite/book). When I heard a group of kids laughing and giggling outside my bedroom window. I closed my book making sure to mark my page, and stood up to open the window. I opened the window and stuck my head out. I saw the group of kids who were obviously sneaking out of their house, I looked at the clock which read 12:10, I smiled softly before sticking my head back out the window to address the rather large group of kids.

"You know," I said loudly causing them to freeze in place and turn towards my voice slowly. "If you're trying to sneak out you're doing a terrible job of it," I said leaning on the windowsill.

"Who are you!" The tallest of the group said tensely as he pushed a girl with curly brown hair behind him in a protective stance.

"Well if you must know my name is (Y/n), (l/n), and I live across the street of the house you just exited," I said bluntly earning a chuckle from more than one of the other boys, while simultaneously earning a glare from the blond boy. The girl that the blond boy pushed behind him made her way to the front of the group, with a roll of her eyes directed towards the blond one.

"Hey umm I'm Allison," She said with a smile, earning a flabbergasted look from the tall blond boy, she shrugged him off and started introducing the rest of the people in the group. "This is Luther," she said gesturing to the blond boy who was still glaring at me. I crossed my arms and gave him a rivaling glare, and as usual, my withering stare had him taking his macho man act down a notch as it does to anyone who has the bad luck of being on the receiving end of it. He uncrossed his arms and backed toward the back of the group. 

Which earned a snort of laughter from one of the other boys, who scarily had knives strapped to the sides of his legs. "I'm D-D-Diego," He said with a slight stutter, I smiled kindly at him and gave him a small wave.

Another boy with jet black hair stepped forward to introduce himself, he adjusted his tie, and with a quick nod and a pop of his shirt collar introduced himself. "The names five" He deadpanned, I frowned at his lack of enthusiasm.

"As in the Number?" I asked calmly, without chuckling, not wanting to offend him.

"Yes like the number" he finished our short conversation by stepping back into the middle of the group and forcing my focus to turn towards another boy who was staring at his shoes and whispering into the ear of the boy next to him. He stopped whispering when he saw me staring at him, and the boy whose ear he was whispering in eyed me with a sly smile on his face.

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