The rooftop (peter parker x reader)

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A/N: I actually really like this one and its honestly not as trashy as the rest of these one shots, I will be doing a part two to this one as it's on the shorter side and It kind of seems unfinished to me so yes. You may read now.

Warnings: None in my opinion, but possible trigger warnings, and yeah just be cautious I suppose.

Word count: 1595

New York City, Queens, night time, the time when almost everything is calm and quiet, except for a few cars honking in the distance. Night in the city is my favorite because it's the time when I can sneak out my bedroom window, and onto the fire escape, and gaze at the view, granted it's not much, but still being able to sit out there and just admire the city is amazing. Most times I even climb up the fire escape and onto the roof of my apartment, I crawl up there and sit with a blanket, a book or something and I just relax. The roof was often the place I went to escape from everything, where I went when I had a particularly bad day and just needed somewhere quiet to cry. Or somewhere I could do my homework without people bothering me. And sometimes it was the place I went to see Queens own neighborhood hero swinging from buildings. I actually saw him quite often, but he never noticed me, and why would he, why would he notice the girl who sneaks out her window every night, climbs onto the roof to sit and watch the city. In fact, he shouldn't notice me, I was normal, ordinary, and blended in with the shadows of night. Slipped under the cover of protection the darkness offered. I didn't mind the fact that he never noticed me whenever he swings past my building, I was perfectly content to watch from afar and never wanted to get any closer. In fact, a part of me hoped that he didn't happen to glance my direction and see me sitting on my roof, and my hopes were granted. Except eventually your luck runs out and fate has a funny way of doing exactly what you hope it doesn't do.

Night had fallen over New York city and as usual, I crept out my room to the kitchen, grabbing any snacks I wanted. I took the snacks back to my room and looked at the laptop and backpack lying innocently on top of my bed. Sighing I grabbed them and zipped up my backpack slinging over my shoulder I made sure my bedroom door was closed before opening up my window and climbing out onto the fire escape. I took a deep breath breathing in the cold New York night air, I sighed again and looked up towards the roof. I smiled slightly and climbed up the fire escape up to the roof. I tossed my backpack a little way onto the roof and stood to admire the view. I smiled and then frowned remembering how much work I had to do. I sat down next to my backpack and spread my work out in front of me, making sure to have something heavy on at least the corner of the papers so they wouldn't fly away. I glanced down at the papers in front of me, frowning deeply, I had a chemistry test tomorrow and had no Idea how to do anything, it was too late to ask the teacher, and none of my friends would be awake right now, at least not the ones that took chemistry. I took out my notebook and the rest of my stuff. I had tons of stuff to do cause I put off all my work till the day its due. Then want to sit here and stress about how much work I had to do until I'm close to tears, and have to rush all my work. So here I was as usual with all my work laid out in front of me, along with the long list of stuff I have to do so I could check them off as I went along the list. I growled just looking at the list and, brought my chemistry homework out in front of me, that would be my first priority. I went and retrieved the blanket I kept stashed up here and wrapped myself up, after shaking it out for any bugs. I sat back down with my blanket around me and played some music on my phone quietly, I took out a pencil and hummed along to the music. I stared at the paper in front of me as I had been doing for the past 10 minutes, I let out a harsh breath of frustration as I shook my head to clear the approaching negative thoughts.

"No" I whisper, clenching my fists, warding off my thoughts, they faded but lingered in the back of my mind, waiting till my defenses were down. I closed my eyes, taking a few deep breaths to keep the thoughts at bay for a little longer. "C' mon I can do this" I mumbled, drinking some water and focusing back on my work. About ten more minutes of staring at the same sheet of paper, the same problems, I felt the tears brimming in my eyes, threatening to fall, and with my defenses down my thoughts giggled with excitement as they all rushed out at once dragging me down further. 'You can't do this' One whispered towards me, 'just give up' another added, 'c' mon just stop trying you're not gonna get it' a third taunted. The thing is, I knew I could do it, I knew how to solve them, I just can't remember, I've learned the formulas and know the steps, I just can't call forth the information. I clench my fists again giving one last attempt at trying to remember how, but give up when nothing comes to mind. One tear falls down my cheek and I watch its path towards the floor, another closely following. This realization leads to more tears as the floodgates open. I really can't do it, and my quiet sobs were proof enough of that. I put my face into my hands and my shoulders shudder. I can't remember how long I stay like that. But I hear feet land very quietly behind me, and a voice pulls me away from my thoughts and tears.

"Umm excuse me miss?" The voice says hesitantly as if unsure they should be talking to me, "A-are you alright miss?" The voice asks as my head shoots up, and stares straight ahead, I turn around slowly to answer the voice, and ask them what they're doing up here, at this time, and my eyes widen in surprise as Queen's local crime-fighter stands behind me shyly twiddling his thumbs.

"I... u-hhh" I stutter unable to speak, remembering how many times he swung past paying no mind to the girl sitting on her roof... I am brought out of my thoughts and remember how to talk. "Yes, yes I'm alright...." I said wiping away the tears trailing down my cheeks.

"Are you sure?" He asks clearly skeptical of my tear-stained cheeks.

"Yeah, it's just chemistry homework" I sniffle chuckling lightly

"Oh, I take chemistry, maybe I could help you," he said, and as the tone of his voice rose a little, I imagined his face lighting up. Not that I knew what he looked like behind the mask.

"Don't you have some crime to stop or something like that?" I asked smiling slightly, and sniffling again

"It's kind of a slow night actually," he said reaching up to rub the back of his neck, "plus anything to help a citizen in need," He said making his voice deeper to sound more official. Making me chuckle a bit.

"Then I guess I'm ok with it," I said picking up my chem papers.

"Awesome, so let's see what you're working on..." He said as he sat down and raised his mask to right above his nose, enough so I could see his mouth and his voice was less muffled. He crisscrosses his legs and sat next to me cuddled up in my blanket cocoon. He sat there explaining everything to me for longer than I kept track of, and slowly I let my guard down and got comfortable around him, he who was comfortable from the beginning just grew a little more relaxed and carefree, and made a few jokes as we worked. Soon we moved on from chemistry and onto math, then English, and Spanish and any other work I had to do. Before I knew it I checked my phone and it was 3:00 Am, and he was still there helping me with my last assignment. I finished it, "Is that all?" He asked cheerily, and I wondered if he even knew what time it was.

"Yep, that's it" I smiled and started packing up my stuff, putting it all into my backpack. And stashing my blanket where it had been before I came up here. I put my backpack on my back and climbed down the fire escape to my bedroom window. Spider-man followed me down and saw to it I got back in my apartment safely before saying goodbye.

"Alright well, you get some sleep..." He trailed off not knowing my name.

"(y/n)" I finished for him

"Ah yes, well get some sleep (y/n), and good luck on your chem test tomorrow," He said bringing his mask down to cover his mouth.

"yeah, Thank you, again for all your help," I said smiling,

"No problem, it was my pleasure," He said before jumping off my fire escape and swinging away after I climbed in my window. I sighed a small smile left on my face, It's safe to say I slept fairly well that night.

To Be Continued.....

Qotd: What's your favorite book?

A/N: So yeah that's all, for now, folks, expect the second part to be up soon and yeah, thanks for reading and as usual I hope you enjoyed it, please comment any feedback or any mistakes you noticed and I'll correct it. um yeah... 

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