My Notes (BMC Michael Mell x reader)

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A/n: To be honest with you guys I really don't know if I actually like this one shot, I may delete it and re do it or something, or leave this one up and just write a new story line. I will definitely be using this note leaving cliche again because I'm a sucker for cliches. Also I have an alternate ending where the reader ends up with Jeremy instead. But idk lemme know if you guys want that version.

Requested: No

Word count: 4716

I don't like talking to people, I never have, it's not that I get anxious or nervous around people, I just don't like talking to them. I can hold a conversation and talk to people but only when I want to. I may or may not have anger issues, and get aggressive at times. Another thing I don't like is expressing my emotions, which was a problem when I've been trying for months to confess my love, okay scratch that slight obsession with my best friend. Michael mell, I am in love with my best friend Michael mell... we've been friends our whole lives, and in around 2nd grade our friend Jeremy entered our friend group well technically I met Jeremy first and became his friend before introducing him to Michael but details details. I first realized I liked Michael in 7th grade, and Jeremy figured it out in sophomore year, and as a result, subtly teases me relentlessly about it. Jeremy knows I'm not good at expressing emotions, I'm what some may call affectionately aggressive, I guess, well that's what Jeremy told me. I couldn't dwell on it though because I was pulled out of my thoughts by the ringing of the bell. I quickly packed my stuff up and ran out of the classroom to meet Jeremy. We had our next class together. I walked into the hallway and saw Rich bullying Jeremy, Rich had him by the shirt collar pinning him to the locker.

"Not this shit again" I mumbled walking over to them quickly. Rich was kinda scared of me cause I gave him a black eye in sophomore year because he was being an ass. I walked up to them and tapped Rich on the shoulder. "I suggest you put Jeremy down, Rich," I said loudly, making my presence known. Rich just scoffed.

"And what are you gonna do about it," He asked with a laugh turning to face me.

"How bout I give you another black eye!" I said balling my fist, I watched his eyes widen slowly, and he took a few steps away from me and Jeremy.

"I'd like to see you try (l/n)" He mocked with a smile.

"Wanna bet?" I replied with a smile and Jeremy hurriedly stepped forward to grab me by the arms as I lunged towards Rich struggling to get away from Jeremy who was holding on to me for dear life. Rich moved out the way and I laughed as he ran away quickly. I took a few deep breaths and then Jeremy let go of me after making me promise not to chase him. I did so reluctantly.

"Well as much fun as that was we only have a few minutes to get to our next class," Jeremy said as I smiled and linked arms with him.

"You okay?" I asked, tugging him along our route to the next class.

"Yeah I'm fine" He replied following me. "So have you thought about what I told you last week?" He asked with a sly smile.

"I have, and it's a no" I replied coldly.

"Oh come on (y/n) you've been in love with Michael for years! You have to say something!" He answered frustrated with me. He's been trying to get me to admit my feelings for Michael for months now and I keep blatantly refusing. I figured if I ignored them for long enough they would just disappear eventually right? "You have to tell him eventually," He continued.

"No, I don't you just think I do" I responded pulling my arm away from him, as we entered the classroom. "Now I would like to LEARN and not be disturbed if you don't mind" I continued sitting down in my seat at the back of the class, while Jeremy took his seat next to me.

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