Pet Names (Diego x reader)

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A/N: ANd I oop- this is trAsh but whatever I'll post it just for the sake of posting it, so yeah I hope you enjoy it, I may change the name later on cause I don't really like the name but its all I can come up with atm so like comment if y'all think of any names I could use, and I might change it if I like the title, but anyway enjoy, and umm yeah vote, comment, request, etc, and I'll be back with another one shot soon. So yeah enjoy. 

Words: 2055

"Hey (y/n)" Diego said waltzing into my apartment without being invited. I visibly rolled my eyes at him and closed the door behind him.

"What do you want Diego?" I said exasperatedly, sighing deeply as I followed him to my kitchen.

"Do I need a reason to come visit my best friend in the entire universe?!" He asked with a huge grin on his face. He stopped walking long enough for me to get to his side and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder pulling me into his side. I chuckled letting him pull me along to my kitchen so I could feed him. He stopped walking once we reached the counter and I pulled myself out of his grip, I pretended not to notice the huge pout on his face. Instead of walking to the refrigerator to see what I have to feed him.

"You want something to eat?" I asked not even looking at him

"Oh you know me so well Princess,"  He said dropping his pouty attitude instantly, I chuckled when he called me Princess, it was just one of many many many, pet names he likes to call me.

"Alright what do you want?" I asked trying to hold back the smile that was slowly making its way onto my face.

"what do you have?" His voice was much closer now and I felt him slyly wrap his arms around my waist, hugging me close to his chest. I giggled.

"not much," I said trying to pry his hands off my waist, but despite my efforts, he just stubbornly tightened his grip, I sighed and stopped trying to fight him. "We could order a pizza instead," I asked hopefully, as I turned in his arms to face him.

"Sounds good Doll," He said letting go of me, I nodded happily melting slightly when he said doll. Personally it was one of my favorite names he called me.

He went to go order the pizza. I scurried off to my room, grabbing my blanket and a few DVDs for us to watch. I already knew he would clear his entire schedule for today in favor of staying with his best friend and having a Disney movie binge. He may be a big tough guy, but he's a sucker for a good cuddle session and Disney movie. After grabbing my blanket and my (extensive) Disney movie collection I ran into the living room and hopped on the couch, with a giggle. That's when Diego walked into the room and saw me giggling to myself at nothing in particular. He rolled his eyes at my childish giggles and I handed him a movie to put in. It was (fave/Disney Movie), one of my personal favorites, Diego didn't like it that much but he'd watch it, and sing along with every song. Though if you ask him he will repeatedly deny knowing any of the lyrics to any Disney song, ever. He put the DVD in with a sigh after reading the title and came to lay next to me. I scooted to the opposite side of the couch, to make room for him, and I saw him visibly frown.

"Where do you think you're going, Angel?" He asked playfully, using the blanket to pull me close enough to him he could wrap his arms around me and pull me into his chest. I just laughed and smacked his chest in protest. "If I have to watch this movie for the 3rd time this week, you can be sure I'm going to get some cuddles along with it" He insisted stubbornly,

"Fine, whatever," I said exasperated with his childish behavior. But I turned around so I could see the screen and hugged his arms that were wrapped around my waist. I heard him breathe in my scent, but I didn't say anything about it. Knowing that apparently, my scent calmed him, although I don't know why, I smell like nothing, but Diego insists that I have a signature scent. After breathing in my scent, he rested his head in the crook of my neck, causing a light blush to slowly rise up my cheeks. We had always cuddled while watching movies, but how close he was to my face was a whole new thing, and I wasn't ready for that. But I said nothing to him and continued watching the screen as the movie started. I giggled watching the Disney intro appear on the screen when our quiet evening was interrupted by my (second) favorite Hargreeves sibling.

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