Intrigue (Five x reader)

902 20 5

Warnings: Kinda cheesy but that's about it ig?

requested: Nah

word count: 1751

I was tending to customers in the shop on a dark Friday night like I usually did. My mother always made me go and help my Aunt Agnes through the afternoon rush hour on my way home from school. But on Fridays, I stayed and helped her until the small shop closed. I delivered doughnuts to customers and made light conversation with them. I did this so often that I knew many of the regulars by name and order, and they knew me by name as well.

"Just an hour or two till closing (y/n)" My Aunt Agnes said cheerily with a huge smile on her face. My Aunt was always smiling, she was just so kind to everyone she met that it was impossible to not love her, I guess that's why she ran a doughnut shop, she was just well-liked by everyone and her smile drew customers in by the tenfold.

"Can't wait Auntie Agnes" I replied with an equally big smile on my face. I went back to washing the countertop, as my Aunt went to the back when I heard the bell to the Door ring. I looked up to see a kid around my age, waltzing in looking around the small shop with interest. He looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows as if not expecting me to be there. I rolled my eyes and continued washing the countertop as he took a seat at the other end of the counter. I heard the bell ring again and this time a grown man who I assumed to be the kids' Dad walked in and took a seat near the kid. I put away the sponge I was using to scrub the counter and walked over to the two men. The kid eyed me up and down as I walked over to the two of them and I tried to cover up my scoff with a sigh.

"Hello, I'm (y/n), my Aunt Agnes should be with you in a minute to take your order," I said cheerily. The grown man looked up from his menu and smiled at me, nodding in understanding. The boy continued to watch me with interest, as I turned away from the two of them and made my way to the back.

"Auntie Agnes, there's a customer out here" I yelled sticking my head through the door to see her trying to unclog the garbage disposal.

"Alright, thank you dear" she answered back finally managing to unclog the disposal. "Phew that was tough," She said once again planting her normal smile on her face, I gave a chuckle, and followed her back outside to where the two men were sitting.

"Sorry about the wait, the sink was clogged" She informed the two hurriedly, "so what can I get you?" She asked directing the question to the older of the two, the kids' father.

"I'll uh, I'll take a chocolate Eclair" He answered in a gruff voice, she nodded and motioned for me to retrieve the Eclair as she wrote down the order. I got the Eclair and put it on a napkin.

"And, can I get the uh kid a glass of milk or something?" I heard her ask the boy's father, he looked at her strangely for a second before the boy spoke up and interjected.

"The kid wants coffee... Black" He answered, My Aunt looked at the kid in shock for a second, he seemed to realize this and gave her a huge dimpled smile, feigning a look of innocence.

"Oh uh... Cute kid" My Aunt said awkwardly, pausing before she remembered their orders, I handed her the Eclair on a Napkin and I got started on the coffee. I handed her the coffee once it was done and she smiled gratefully at me. Placing it in front of the boy, he looked at me as he blew on it slightly, and raised it up to his lips to drink. He took a sip and seemed to be surprised by the taste as he lowered his eyes from mine, and moved them to his cup.

"Here I got the kids," The man said handing my Aunt money for their order. The kid looked at the man.

"Oh thanks," He said with a raised eyebrow, towards the older man who I only now began to doubt was his father. My Aunt looked between the two of them in confusion before taking the money and scurrying to the back room, but not before whispering a quiet, 'Be careful' in my ear on her way past. I nodded that I heard her and began tidying up. The boy talked quietly with the man for a few minutes, and once they were done talking the man left a tip on the counter, gathered his coat, and left. Leaving me and this mysterious boy alone. I began to grow a little anxious as I cleaned up the back counter, I could feel the boys eyes watch my movement. It had been about a minute of him Just watching me before I decided to speak up.

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