The mechanic (poe dameron)

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Summary: Reader is a rebellion mechanic for ships and droids, and on repeated occasions catches poe's eye.

My workshop, my own personal safe haven, and the place where I'm currently making some small changes to a device prototype that would hopefully allow better cloaking for our rebellion ships. All I needed was a few more tweaks and then I'd be able to run some diagnostic tests to see if it works. I hum a random tune to myself while I unscrew the cover so I can tweak it. The door to my workshop slides open with a loud woosh, and I'm ambushed by the electronic beeping of one of my favorite droids.

"bee po woooip" BB-8 screams entering my shop and rolling to a stop at my feet.

"Hey BB" I respond putting my cloaking device aside so I could focus on BB-8. "what's up buddy" he responds with a couple of beeps and my eyebrows furrowed giving him a once-over look. "Kriffing hell, BB I just did your matinence upkeep last week what happened?!" I groaned guiding the droid over to a ramp he could roll up to get to my eye level. I put the screwdriver I was holding in my tool belt and walked over to my tool chest to get the tools I'd need to fix BB-8's problem. "Alright BB let's see what the problem is," I said and he chirped happily in response. I pulled my magnifying goggles over my eyes so I could see him closely.

"ooh BB okay, I think I see the problem, some of the wires over here got crossed, and then your gyroscopic regulators are all out of sync, no wonder you're not moving as smoothly as usual. and OH BB! This whole plate over here is broken, and these circuits over here are completely fried! How'd this happen!" I exclaimed continuing to examine the damage done to my favourite droid.

"weoop" He said dejectedly, and I chuckled buckling myself in for a long story.

--Time skip--

It turns out that BB-8 got all his so-called injuries, on a classified mission transporting valuable and delicate information to another rebellion base. However, he and his companions ran into some trouble with the empire. After his long-winded explanation about everything that went wrong, I cut him some slack and forgave him for ruining all the things I fixed last time.

I worked on BB-8 for more than an hour before finally fixing all his problems and getting him back to perfect working condition, then even after I fixed his issue, I sat and spoke to him about some of the upgrades I was developing for him, and for some of the other droids on the base.

"ooh, you know what I can do for you BB?" I asked flitting around my workshop quickly rummaging around to find the newest prototype I was working on for the droids on base. I brought it excitedly back to BB-8, and began explaining some of the upgrades I was giving him. 

"Now BB this signal booster I made will allow you to transmit signals to the next planet over, depending on how far away it is. I'll work on distancing issues soon"

"Waaaaaaaooopp" BB-8 chittered excitedly and I blushed.

"Oh BB you flatter me, but anyone could've done it, it wasn't that difficult," I replied with a smile as I installed the amplifier to his antennae. But was interrupted by the door of my workshop once again opening with a loud woosh. But instead of a droid or one of my fellow mechanics coming in for a chat, it was a voice I was unfamiliar with.

"Hey BB you in here?" The voice of a man called and I turned around to face him. I looked at him blinking in surprise as I forgot my magnifying goggles were still on my face, I took them off my eyes and put them on my head.

"who's asking," I asked taking my glasses off and laying them on the table next to me, so I could get a good look at the man who'd invaded my safe haven. 

"uh, Poe... Poe Dameron?" He replied as if it was a question, looking around my workshop in wonder. I turned in my chair to look at BB-8 who beeped happily and gave a little spin. The man, Poe, walked further into my workshop, glancing at all the gadgets and tools scattered around.

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