Laser Tag (loki x reader)

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Warnings: None I believe, slight romance, nothing PG 13, very cheesy so I'm sorry, this is just some fluff before the angst I'm about to throw at you, and am going to keep throwing at you :) this one is also very short cause it was just a small idea that popped into my head, and not a very long story like Idea. Yes I used this same prompt for a Five oneshot I'm sorry I'm a sucker for it... okay bye...

Requested: No
Word Count: 1,177

I was part of the Avengers team, earth's mightiest heroes. I don't have any powers per say but I was an excellent fighter, one good enough to rival black widow herself. I was also madly in love with the God of thunder's brother... Loki (although I'm sure he doesn't know I exist) ... Yes, that's right the very same Loki who tried to take over New York a few years back. But it's OK now cause he served his punishment back on Asgard. So now Thor is allowed to bring him to any group "bonding activities" as Tony likes to call them, or "An hour or so of pure torture and socialization" as Clint likes to call it. And that's why he was here tonight with Thor for our Laser tag night. Tony had rented out the entire building of one of the best laser tag places in town. The room included things to hide behind, things to climb, and at least three stories of laser tag playing ground, but you had to climb from one floor to the next. But Anyway, we took two cars to get to the place. Tony, Nat, Sam, Bruce and Steve in one car, And Clint, Thor, Loki, and I in the second car... And of course, I ended up in the back sitting next to the mischief maker himself Loki. The conversation between the four of us flowed casually, bouncing from topic to topic in a random order that was somehow organized and connected. Clint drove us through the streets of New York City, following the car tony was driving. About 20 minutes later after leaving the tower, we arrived at the laser tag place. After Clint parked the car we followed Tony and the people who rode in his car inside the building. Tony gave his name, and the person behind the desk just looked at him with wide eyes, because 'oh mah god that's the tony stark, ahhhh' and whatnot. But impressively he snapped out of his daze pretty quickly and checked our group in. We followed him to a back room where we would get our vests, and laser guns, we divided ourselves into two teams. Steve, Clint, Nat, and Sam were on my team, while Tony had Bruce, Thor and Loki. Tony insisted on letting us have the extra person as he was dead sure he would win. so it was 5 against 4. We watched the safety video and got our vests on. The laser guns and vests were activated and we all went inside the dark laser tag arena, It was almost pitch black, and basically the only thing that was letting us see were the neon colours on the walls, and boxes, and tunnels that we could use to climb over and hide behind, and the colored lights produced by our vests. The stairs to the upper floors had railings you could grab to walk up them, semi-safely. The guy running our session gave us 2 minutes to get ready and find a place to hide, I immediately ran to the second floor with Clint and Sam, then ran up to the third floor while they stayed on the second floor. I found a hiding spot on a balcony that gave me a full view of the playing field, but also gave me cover in case someone spotted me and started shooting at me. Suddenly a loud bell sounded around the room/s signalling the start of the game. Smiling to myself, I watched from above as the lights from all our vests flickered on, I saw Steve Immediately take off running and leaping over obstacles to get to where Tony and Bruce were. I also assumed they had done what we had and sent a person to every floor of the room, as a strategy, so I knew I had to be alert as I watched from above. As I looked down at the first floor I saw Steve and Nat slowly making their way through the labyrinth of walls and tunnels. I watched them for around ten minutes with intense concentration when I started to hear the sounds of laser guns firing. That snapped me out of watching Nat and Steve as they Ambushed the members of the opposing team. I kept surveying the terrain below me watching as coloured lasers flashed as the triggers of the guns were pulled. Suddenly a hand was clamped onto my arm, and before I even had time to scream or fight back I was backed into the darkest and nearest corner of the third floor, squinting my eyes to try and see the face of my 'attacker' I recognized the smirk on the persons face in an instant.

"Loki," I said as I narrowed my eyes at him, not noticing him slowly inching closer to me.

"Hello miss (l/n)" He replied and I could practically hear the grin in his voice. "You seem to have found yourself in a sticky situation." He continued, and this time I felt him pressing himself closer to me. This made my heart beat faster.

"What do you want Loki?" I said with 'disgust' before realizing that was a stupid question to ask.

He chuckled "To win, of course" he said chuckling again, continuing to bring himself closer to me, my back was flat up against the wall. I took a deep breath and noticed he smelled of (favourite scent). He continued to come towards me until our chests were pressed together and I could almost clearly see him looking down at me, thanks to the lighting from our vests. "Isn't that why we are playing?" He asked still smirking and chuckling. I looked up at him slowly and saw the seriousness reflected in his eyes, licking my lips slightly I looked back down, before he brought his hand up under my chin, gently forcing me to look back up at him. "Don't you know its rude to avoid eye contact when someone is speaking to you?" He said, as I felt him slowly lean his face down to meet mine, I looked curiously into his eyes, seriousness with a playful twinkle reflected back at me.

"L-Loki?" I asked hating the way I stuttered.

"hmm?" He hummed in response as he brought his face the rest of the way down to mine, and his lips captured mine in a soft kiss. Butterflies erupted in my stomach, and my heart beat erratically in my chest. My body reacted without my brain's consent as I closed my eyes and leaned into the kiss. Feeling him smile against my lips he wrapped one of his arms around my waist, he deepened the kiss, before pulling away with a smirk. Pulling his body away from mine he raised his laser gun, and smirking pulled the trigger, hitting me right in the chest.

"Why you little-" I said as his lips cut me off once again.

"Don't get distracted next time" He mumbled against my lips. Before backing away and retreating into the darkness from which he originally came, with a small wink.


QOTD: Whats your favourite season? 

A/N: Hello yikes I'm sorry about this idk what the hell it was but I kind of wanted to post something so welp here ya go. The romantic aspect was really cheesy and bad and I honestly might take this one down, but idk. But yeah I really hope you enjoyed this little one shot for Loki. so yeah, umm comment or dm me any ideas or requests, and I'll see what I can do! <3 bye bye then...

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