Seeing Wings (Bucky Barnes x reader)

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A/N: This is literal trash when you read it. It is actually so bad and so long and I really should have split this up into like 2 parts but whatever cut me some slack I haven't slept in like 3 days so hush children. I'm sorry that this one-shot is filled with so many outside references and jokes, I hope you understand my references otherwise you won't find the jokes funny and you'll just be like wth is this author talking about? Ngl other than the parts I completely ruined with jokes and stuff this is overall a pretty good one shot so I really hope you enjoy this because I ruined my sleep schedule for this so. yeah. Also, no spider-man in this one because the avengers don't take applications from BaBiEs... I'm just kidding I love him with all my heart, you guys. Okay, go read now.

Word count: 6016 (excluding authors notes) 

All my life for as long as I can remember I have been able to see wings on everyone's back, including mine. And for all I know, I am the only one who can see these wings. These wings I see can normally tell a lot about the person. Some wings are large and colourful, and others are small and monochrome. Some wings get ruffled or flare up when the person they belong to experiences a certain emotion. I have seen all types of wings but have never seen anyone fly using these wings. As far as I know, I am the only person who has actually learned to harness the power of my wings. I can now do magic, and use these wings to fly. Everyone I had ever come across had a pair of wings on their back. Until I met him a man so broken that his wings disappeared, burned, and shriveled up. This was one of the most heartbreaking things I have ever seen because even if he might not have been able to see these wings, he could feel their absence. This broken man's name was Bucky Barnes, and I was determined to help him regain his wings.

I had been a normal girl for the longest time until one of the Avengers managed to find out I could see these wings. Tony Stark had tracked me down once he caught wind of my talent and had taken me to stark tower (with my consent) to test why I could see these wings. He became even more fascinated with me and my sight when he found out I could fly with my wings, and do magic as well. I told him he could too, he just had to stop thinking, and start feeling, but he decided that was too difficult, so he gave up. He then ran some tests to see what exactly I could do and after he got back no results, because my powers were magic, not science, and his robot didn't think in terms of magic. He declared me an avenger. After that I began to meet the rest of the Avengers, the first avenger I had met besides Tony Stank was his fellow science geek Bruce Banner (AKA the hulk/angry boi). Next, I had been introduced to Steve Rogers (aka Shmaptin shamerica), Natasha Romanova (aka Black widow/the itsy bitsy spider), and Clint Barton (Aka Hawkeye, aaka, the Farmer boi), and Thor (aka Thor... God of thunder). I was then introduced to the rest of the folks including, Wanda Maximoff (aka Scarlet witch/the girl who's in love with the toaster...) and her twin brother Pietro Maximoff (aka quicksilver, aka the roadrunner (meep meep)), Vision (aka The toaster), Sam Wilson (aka Falcon, Aaka Birdbrain), and last but not least him, James Buchanan Barnes (aka The winter soldier, aka Bucky).

When I first met him, it was a very awkward encounter. I was in the kitchen the rest of the team was on a mission, Tony had let me sit this one out. I had thought no one else was at the tower so naturally, I did what anyone would do, wear a comfy oversized t-shirt, underwear, and socks, and go slide around the kitchen while singing at the top of their lungs and cooking breakfast. I was making some chocolate chip pancakes, and rocking out to some 'hamilton'(sorry if you don't like it) bops. I bounced around the kitchen singing into spoons and mixing chocolate chips into the pancake batter. 'The Skyler sisters' had just started playing and I had spun around for the first 'work' when I noticed a man, who I had never seen in the tower before leaning against the doorway wearing sweatpants, but no shirt on, watching me with an amused expression on his face. And of course, my natural reaction to seeing a handsome stranger watching me singing was to grab the nearest frying pan and hold it out to defend myself, as well as scream loudly.

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