The boy at the Bleachers (DEH Connor Murphy x Reader)

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A/N: What is this, 2 Connor Murphy ones in a row? Is this sorta out of character for Connor yes, are you most likely gonna read it anyway, I don't know I'm not the boss of you all I can do is write and hope you enjoy these. I'm probably going to go back and edit or delete some of the things that are irrelevant to this story like most authors notes I'll delete, or some small things I'll probably take away too. So if you see some old stuff being published it's just me editing them so you can ignore it. Anyway, enjoy this one. 

Requested: No lol

Warnings: very vague mentions of fighting with your parents, and not sleeping, other than that I don't think so

Inspired by the lines: "Here take my jacket", "It's a long story, I've got time" and "sleep is for the weak"

Word Count: 2005 this one's on the shorter side so heehee. 

I was sad, and so I went to where I usually went whenever I was upset. the bleachers at my shitty school. Since it was like 8 pm it was already dark, but luckily my house isn't far from my school, only a 5-minute walk, so I walked there. It's not like my parents would care that I left the house, they barely even noticed I was there, ignored me for the most part, yelled and ...stuff whenever I got in their way and made them mad. But for the most part, it was fine. I was a good student, not straight A's but I did pretty good, my grades were the only thing my parents actually paid attention to. I arrived at the bleachers quickly enough, the gate unlocked because my school never closed it. I trudged up to the top and saw a kid sitting on the opposite side of the bleacher. They sat with their jacket hood over their head, slouched against the fencing around the top of the bleacher to prevent people from falling backward. I sighed and walked over to them.

"Hey," I said bluntly, sitting down next to the kid. They looked at me and I noticed it was a boy around my age.

"Uh hi," He replied warily, I leaned against the fencing and stared at the dark football field. I sighed, blinking as the lights on the field turned on illuminating me and the boy. "What's wrong with you?" The boy asked huffing in annoyance as he lit a joint and took a puff.

"I'm basically sad 98% of the time" I replied, the boy nodded and offered me the joint, I shook my head no and moved his hand away. "No thanks, my parents may not care about me but if they caught me doing drugs they'd beat my ass into next week" I replied with a laugh.

"Ahhh, parents don't care?" He asked taking another puff of the DrUgs.

"They're a broken record switching from caring too much about the wrong things to not caring at all" I replied with a chuckle. "What about you?" I asked turning my attention away from the football field to look at him.

He breathed in through his teeth, "That's uh, that's a long story" He answered with a laugh.

"I've got time" I replied holding up my arms with a smile.

"Uh Alright, I guess" He replied, and started unloading all his issues, the more he talked the lighter his shoulders got and the more he sat up straight. At one point he had even abandoned the joint he was smoking dropping it to the floor and crushing it under his foot. And soon after that, he took the hood off his head and I saw his face clearly. He looked familiar, like I've seen him briefly in the halls at school but never shared any classes with him, or spoke to him. I listened attentively as he told me how the other kids called him a freak, and how his sister resented him, dad didn't care, mom cared too much, and a bunch of other emotional trauma. He sat talking for about 30 minutes before he stopped. "Shit sorry, didn't mean to unload all that onto you," He said with a light laugh reaching up to rub the back of his neck.

"It's fine, you needed it, besides it's better than being at home" I laughed and he laughed along with me.

"Ha tell me about it" He responded and our laughter eventually faltered awkwardly. We sat there in a silence that was oddly comfortable for about 10 more minutes before he eventually stood up. "Well I should probably get back home," He said with a curt nod,

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