My "hero" (Diego x reader)

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A/n: This is kinda semi-trash like I don't think it's complete trash but it's also not really good, so like it's half trash. But anyway hope you enjoy this, I just realized it's my first one-shot for Diego so like my little smol stuttering bean, love him Sm. But like he's amazing and uh yeah, I might not have gotten how his character acts, completely right but it's ok, cause I like this little fluffy joking Diego much more, maybe Idk. But yeah hope you enjoy, send in some Requests because I only have one more Idea before I'm all Idead out for the time being so like then it's just gonna be even trashier than usual. 

Edit: Also I might do a part two to this, but Idk, comment if you want a part two done. 

Words: 2078

Even though my hands were tied, (literally), and a gun was being pointed towards me carelessly I was not afraid. I  almost never got afraid, and this was one of those unafraid times. Sure my apartment was being ransacked and my things were being thrown everywhere as I was tied to a chair and was most likely going to end up getting shot I was not afraid. My heart wasn't hammering, my blood wasn't rushing, and I was unfazed by the whole getting robbed thing. In fact, I just sat there and chuckled at the robber's misfortune. 

"You guys might as well give up," I said providing a little unwanted commentary

"Hey! I said no talking!" One of the robbers said smacking me upside the head while the other went through my jewellery box. 

"ow," I winced, "Be careful please, I'm delicate, oh and by the way that's fake" I said looking towards the robber holding up a glittering diamond necklace, he looked at me with disbelief written on his face. "It's true I swear, my great great grandpa bought it for my great-great grandma from a thrift shop and claimed it was a family heirloom from his mother, It's been passed down as a joke ever since" I explained chuckling at my ridiculous family.  The two thieves looked at each other before looking back at me. 

"Yeah, that's believable" The one holding it scoffed and put it in the bag. 

"Suit yourself" I shrugged to the best of my ability with my hands tied to the chair. 

"Alright, now since you're so talkative why don't you tell us where you keep the money," The second one said cocking his gun and pointing it at my head. I laughed a little.

"I'm a college student, I live off of ramen noodles I get in a ten pack from the dollar store. I'm broke you guys" I said still chuckling. they looked at me again before the second one growled. 

"That's it, I'm getting real sick of you" The second goon raised his gun to my head again before I saw something flying through the air towards him, the thing glinted in the light before hitting the goon and knocking him back.

"What the-" The first robber was cut off by a fist that came flying at him from the doorway of my bedroom. He was knocked back a step but regained his balanced and raised the gun he held. A tall figure stepped out the shadows, the figure had a black mask over his eyes, and was dressed in all black, he had a bunch of knives hanging from a belt around his waist and only gave me a quick glance before he went back to fighting the robbers. He pulled out a knife from his belt and quickly threw it at the one pointing the gun at him knocking the gun out his hand he threw another knife this one nailing the robber's hand to the wall. I remained sitting in the chair, calmly and waiting patiently for this man to finish with the robbers. The second robber got up off the floor and ran towards my 'rescuer', the man dodged the robbers attack leaving the robber to go running into my tv, knocking it over and breaking it. 

"OH COME ON" I shouted my protests, "Seriously? You just had to hit my tv!" I yelled at the robber who was now on the floor laying on my fallen tv. "NOW HOW AM I GONNA BINGE WATCH NETFLIX" I screeched looking down at the robber who sat groaning on the floor. I saw the masked man chuckling at my commentary from the corner of my eye. The robber on my tv panted for breath before getting up, still standing on my tv crushing it further, I winced as another crack sounded from my poor television. The robber spit on the floor, his spit tinted red. The man behind the mask turned to the robber who cracked his knuckles and advanced towards him with his fists flying. The masked man dodged every hit and kicked the robber in the stomach knocking him back into a wall. The man pulled out a knife and swiftly threw it, at the robber nailing his hand to the wall as well. The first robber had managed to pull the knife out his hand while the masked man's back was turned and he threw the knife with his good hand. It grazed my 'saviour's' shoulder not deep enough to get stuck, but deep enough to draw blood. I saw the masked man's hand shoot up to his shoulder where he touched his wound and saw blood. 

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