A/N: SOoooo I watched season 2

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So I binge-watched Umbrella academy season 2 yesterday (literally the day it was released) and episode 9 is ILLEGAL!!!!!! IT SHOULDN'T BE ALLOWED TO EXIST! LIKE Y'ALL I LITERALLY COULDN'T I WAS SOBBING!! And the ending was TrAsH cause they ended on yet another cliff hanger and I literally can't the rest of the season was so wholesome though and I was just like awe my babies. So yeah if you haven't seen it Highly recommend! But if you have seen it CAN WE TALK ABOUT IT!!!! Like lmk in the comment section if you've seen it and wanna talk about it!!!


Why are you still reading the spoiler section... Go away... Last chance to turn back. Well, I warned you! I literally can't my friend and I watched it together and she wanted to give me a hug after episode 9 because my smol bean Ben was my favorite character and he was literally like the only person that brought me joy. (that's a lie I love all of them and would die for everyone) AND THEY FUCKING KILLED HIM OFF.... but then the ending had me shook he walked up and I was like ew spikey hair ben? Who are you you aren't my baby boy, but then was like ooh kinda diggin the hair? but also kinda not? I prefer my neat and tidy leather jacket ben cause he's my baby boy. Also Ben was a heck hackin virgin my pure bean. AND HIS LITTLE SCHOOLBOY CRUSH ON JILL WAS SO AMAZING I WAS LIKE AWE BABY. (ooh I should make a oneshot like that where the reader is jill lmk if you'd want this) Also I'm dividing stuff up by character so It's easy for you to comment on it.

SPEAKING OF HAir opinion on Diego's hair! I was not digging it at first but then I was like okay it's growing on me. Then I was like okay I vibe with his hair. Also I wanted to hate lila so much for betraying baby boy but then I was like wait she loves him so I kinda do stan her? What? AND THEN HER POWERS AT THE END?!?!?!? SIR WHATTTTTT? BUT THEY LEFT ALL THEIR LOVES BEHIND I CAN'T I WANTED THAT SO MUCH!!!!

Also speaking of hair Klaus's beard at the beginning of the season just didn't sit right with me. I was like ew bearded Klaus? But then when he shaved his beard i was like ooh pretty boy Klaus. Klaus do be hot doe. ALSO DAVE FUCKIN DAVE!!!! I was like ooh pretty boy young dave. But we do not stan his uncle who is like 98% a raging closeted gay. AND WHEN KLAUS AND ALLISON WERE REUINITED SHE GOT HER DRESS WET BY CLIMBING IN THE POOL!!!!! I WAS LIKE WHOLESOME CONTENT RIGHT HERRRREEE.

Also when Five was killing the board of directors I was like ooh, ngl thats kinda hot. wait ew do I have a murder kink no I don't that's DISGUSTANG, he just looked hot. And when he did the cake thing where he like scraped the frosting off the cake and licked it off his finger I was like that was kinda really HoT. Awe shit I promised myself I wouldn't simp over another person but I'm like Aiden do be the same age as me doe... So my brain was like simp away... Seriously tho I was living for sarcastic Five this season. Like his sarcasm gave me life. AND THEN WHEN HE ACTED SO SMOL BEAN AND PURE WITH VANYA. And Also why is his name FIve, like did he never get a name, or did he leave before they got names. On another not my friend and I joked that the handler had a phat thing for Five but then we were like um she's def a pedophile like ma'am cause like her weird obsession with Five we were like um this ain't it fam.

On another note SISSY AND VANYA SISSY AND VANYA SISSSYYYY AND VANNNYAAAAAA that was my ship I loved that for him and ngl I cackled so hard when Carl died I was like you were a homophobic asshole so you deserved it. So yeah I stan sissy and Vanya but we don't stan Carl. Yeah I know being Gay was frowned upon back then but like I was still like I hate him. Also I cRied when Harlan tried to kill himself but I was also like man that kid runs fast. And when Vanya parted the water like FUCKIN JESUS I WAS LIKE YES WE STAN ONE BADASS BITCH.

Also Luthers character development!!!!!!! I love that for him!!! he wasn't a douchebaggy asshole! WHEN HE APOLOGIZED TO VANYA!!!!! I was half like y'know I love that for him I stan but then I was also like DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING SHOOT HIM I SWEAR TO GOD!!!! but the fact he was still obsessed with Allison I was like awe man this again baby boy she's not right for you. SHE'S YOUR SISTER!!!! also did his arms look smaller this season or is it just me? like he wasn't as big buff boy as he was last season.

Also I lived for Allison and Ray's marriage!!!! They were so cute together I literally can't!!!! ANd when they went shopping after he told her about her rumor thing I was like oof he's finna take advantage of her power but then he didn't and I was like OH SIS! YES WE STAN THIS MAN RIGHT HERE!!!! Also I cried when she left him behind at the end of the season like when he was reading the letter I was like no baby boy I can't I was actually sobbing.

ALSO Baby pogo do be hittin five doe! Also is grace a robot?or was she a real person that was in love with Reggie but like left him so he made a robot version of her. My friend joked that grace was a sex robot and I was like DiSgUsTaNg but then I was like wait is she tho? cause lie she went everywhere with him. but then at the end of the season I was like I think she was a real person because she like left him because he was plotting to kill JFk. So like I think he did model a robot after her. So oofie doofie.

okay well that's it for now I may add some new stuff I wanna talk about later.

Edit: (slightly explicit warning) told my friend that long hair Diego could rail me and she was shocked, then I went, tbh literally any of the cast could just say hi and my panties would be on the floor across the room... like they could just smile at me and I'd be on my knees tying my hair back if y'know what I mean 👁👄👁... sorry if my dirty mind is too much for your pure souls

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