Laser tag (five x reader)

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A/n: I used the same prompt for a one shot in my marvel one-shot book, but oh well I've got no ideas and too small of a fanbase for people to request. Anyway, nothing pg 13... umm yeah, hope you enjoy, and like comment, if you did, or just comment about whatever, cause I'd love to talk to y' all about pretty much anything really... um anyway, hope you enjoy... 

Words: 1441

"hurry up you guys" Five whispered knocking quietly on everyone's door

It was late at night and the entire umbrella academy had planned to sneak out the house, to go play laser tag together. Five was lookout since he could teleport to Dad's room to check if he was awake. Before we left the house we made sure to tell pogo where we were going, and although pogo didn't approve of our methods of sneaking out to have fun, he never told our Dad because that would ruin our chances of being normal kids. So pogo never told, but only on the condition that we would always tell him where we were going and when we were going. We had all agreed instantly and never forgot to tell Pogo. 

"Alright chill five, we're coming," Klaus said as we all raced down the stairs silently but efficiently, waving to Pogo as five teleported us individually outside so we didn't make noise opening the door. It was my turn to get teleported so I took the hand five held out to me and he teleported me out to where the others were. Luther, Diego, Allison, Vanya and I all waited outside for five to finish bringing out Ben and Klaus. It didn't take long and once he had finished we all started walking as quickly as possible to the laser tag place. 

"Ahh, freedom!" I squealed happily breathing in the cold air. Vanya nodded in agreement as she walked next to me matching my pace. Klaus chuckled from behind me as Diego and Luther ran ahead racing each other. 

"Hurry up you guys," Diego said stopping in his tracks to look back at the rest of us leisurely walking. 

"Yeah, c' mon the place might think we aren't coming and close before we get there" Luther added, the sense of urgency easily recognizable in his tone. We were regulars at the place and we usually showed up a few minutes before it closed. The workers got used to this fact that night was the only time we could play and started keeping the place open for an extra hour or so just for us. For that, we were eternally grateful. Allison sped up so she could walk with Vanya and me. 

"I was getting sick hearing five and Klaus argue," She said giggling, Vanya and I laughed as well looking back to where Five and Klaus were currently yelling at each other about who knows what. I caught five's eye and he threw me a quick wink, before looking away, I blushed a light pink at his action, I mean sure five was my best friend within the family but that was new. 

"C' mon guys hurry up! We're almost there!" Luther and Diego chanted, no matter how many times those two fought, the one thing that could unite them was our laser tag games.

"I can see the place from here pick up the pace!" Diego urged, jogging back to grab as many of our wrists as he could, he grabbed mine and Vanya's, then went to grab Allison but backed off at Luther's sudden glare. He rolled his eyes and sped up again tugging on our wrists. I looked back at Allison who laughed at mine and Vanya's misfortune shrugging her shoulders. I looked past Allison to five who was throwing a glare that rivalled Luther's at Diego's hand wrapped around my wrist. I rolled my eyes and looked at Klaus who smiled and came skipping up next to me. 

"need some help there dear sister?" He said in the most proper voice he could manage. I laughed nodding. 

"If you don't mind" I replied throwing a look at Diego who was watching our exchange and immediately let go of my wrist, and Vanya's as well. 

"sorry (y/n)" He mumbled as we came to a stop at a crosswalk, the laser tag place right across the street. Klaus, Diego, Vanya, and I, stopped to wait for everyone else to catch up. Then once they all did, Five shoved his way through our siblings to come to stand next to me, he grabbed my hand and linked our fingers together, I rolled my eyes and let him hold my hand, as we walked across the crosswalk. Diego skipped across the crosswalk quickly, and stood at the door, tapping his foot impatiently. Once we got across the street everyone, went inside and we were greeted by the same two people that worked the night shift whenever we came. 

"Hey, you guys!" One of the workers, Jamie, greeted us cheerily. 

"We almost thought you weren't going to come" The other worker Sarah, added,

 "see!" Luther said referring to his earlier point when he said they would close before we got there. We all rolled our eyes, while Jamie and Sarah laughed. They signed us into the room as we each gave them our money, and once we had all given them our money, they took us into the room where we got our guns and vests. We divided ourselves into two teams, I was on a team with Diego, Vanya, and Klaus. While we were going against Allison, Luther, Ben, and Five. They did a super quick safety thing, just cause they had to before turning on our guns and vests and setting us free inside the two-story laser tag ring. I ran up to the second floor to be my team's lookout from above since I could shoot better from higher up and from long distances. My team took their positions on our side and the opposing team did the same. 

"REMEMBER GUYS NO POWERS!" I shouted as I ran up the stairs.

"Yeah yeah, we know (y/n)" Klaus answered sarcastically. I chuckled and went to find a hiding spot, where I could overlook the playing field below me but was also provided cover in case someone started shooting at me. I heard either Sarah or Jaime yell go and I watched as the barely visible lights started moving towards each other from opposite ends of the playing field. I was focused so intently on the game going on below me that I didn't notice the person that crept up behind me grabbing my wrist and pulling me to a dark corner of the room.  I was backed into the corner until I came face to face with my attacker. 

"Five," I said narrowing my eyes at my best friend, there were no friends in this game.

"Awe c' mon (y/n), don't be like that" He smirked, pressing himself closer to me. My stomach erupted with butterflies, but I forced them down. 

"what do you want?" I asked. 

"To win of course, isn't that why we're playing?" He asked playfully, all the while pressing himself closer against me, he looked down at me and I could see his smirk illuminated by the lights on our vests. I licked my lips lightly and saw his eyes follow the movement. I looked down at our shoes they were toe to toe. And I felt his hand lightly bring my chin up so I was looking at him again. He chuckled, "Don't you know it's rude to avoid eye contact when someone is speaking to you?" He said closing his eyes and leaning his head down towards mine. I inhaled a deep breath. 

"f-five" I stuttered 

"hmm?" He said ignoring me and pressing his lips against mine. My body reacted without my mind's consent, and I closed my eyes leaning into the kiss. He smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist deepening the kiss before, slowly pulling away. He pulled away and as he did he raised his gun and shot me right in the chest. My eyes widened in surprise. 

"Why you litt-" He kissed me again and cut me off

"Next time don't get distracted," He said pulling away and smirking as he retreated into the shadows where he came from. 


Comment Question: Have you ever played laser tag?

A/n: So yeah here ya go, umm I took some pieces from the Marvel one, but like I changed it up a bit so it's all good. Umm yeah, this is high key cringy and I hate myself for even writing this but like oof. Umm hope you enjoyed this one and didn't cringe as much as I did writing it. Yeah send in your requests and I'd be happy to do them for you... tata for now dear readers. Oh, wait one more thing, you guys like the gifs at the top? or nah? Cause like I'll keep them if you like them... if not I can stop, but it's up to you guys... ok that's it... bye now 

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